I have an 'uber' jar which contains the jars for all dependencies. On my
server the following command works fine:

sudo jsvc -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk -cp
-nodetach -debug -verbose -pidfile /var/run/avalanche.pid avalanche.service

But the same command on my dev box does not work. It fails with the
following messages:

[Loaded java.io.IOException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipException from
[Loaded java.security.PrivilegedActionException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FileNotFoundException from shared objects file]
Cannot find daemon loader org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader
java_init failed
Service exit with a return value of 1

I have the /avalanche folder to be:

sudo chmod a+r /avalanche/

but it doesn't change anything.

Does anybody know how to fix this kind of problem?

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