On 9/30/13 10:54 AM, Jonathan Buhacoff wrote:
> Forgot the [dbcp] in the subject on my first post. Reposting:
> I'm using a library that accepts a DataSource as an input and automatically 
> calls getConnection() as needed and then close() on each connection when it's 
> done.
> I want to use a connection pool so I was casually looking at 
> PoolingDataSource in DBCP 1.4 to see if would work. 
> In the source code I see that PoolingDataSource.getConnection() calls 
> borrowObject() on the pool to get a new database Connection, then it wraps it 
> with PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.  But then... the close() method of 
> PoolGuardConnectionWrapper does NOT call returnObject() on the pool!  It 
> simply forwards the close() call to the delegate/wrapped Connection object.  

The delegate is a PoolableConnection.  Its close method returns it
to the pool.
> I wanted to write a quick test to see if this is really an issue or if it's 
> working and I just missed something while browsing the source code.  Looking 
> at the javadocs I noticed that GenericObjectPool needs a 
> PoolableObjectFactory to function, yet PoolableConnectionFactory requires an 
> ObjectPool in its constructor.  
PoolableConnectionFactorys need to create PoolableConnections. 
PoolableConnections need to be attached to pools so their close
methods can return them to the pool that owns them.  Therefore, PCFs
need to hold references to the object pools that manage the
connections that they create.  As you note, object pools also
require factories, so the dependency is two-way.  The PCF
constructor sets itself to be the factory for its pool.
> It seems to me that in  order to implement the PoolableObjectFactory one 
> shouldn't need a reference to the ObjectPool itself.  The pool interfaces 
> seem well defined but the DBCP implementations seem very messy. 
> Can anyone using this library confirm that it's working as expected, not 
> leaking connections?   Just wondering while I set up a test to see for myself.

Please do let us know if you find connection leaks not due do client

> --
> Jonathan Buhacoff
> jonat...@buhacoff.net
> --

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