Hi Paulo,

I’m also a bit puzzled :-)

1) Can you remove the “.aux” extension when invoking “bibtex”?
2) Please check 


Siegfried Goeschl

On 24 Apr 2014, at 15:36, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda <cereda.pa...@gmail.com> 

> Hello Siegfried,
> > sorry for the next dumb question (but I'm actually quite good at it)
> Don't say such thing, you are helping me a lot with these questions. :)
> There we go:
> > * what is the result of the failed "bibtex" invocation?
> The message prompted is
> -----------------
> I couldn't open file name `"file with spaces.aux".aux'
> -----------------
> And the program returns 1 as exit value.
> If I copy "file with spaces.aux" and rename it to "filewithnospaces.aux", I 
> get
> -----------------
> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2013)
> The top-level auxiliary file: filewithnospaces.aux
> The style file: plain.bst
> Database file #1: master.bib
> Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "with:1977"
> (There was 1 warning)
> -----------------
> And the program returns 0 as exit value.
> > * is "bibtex" a native binary or a shell script?
> Native binary.
> paulo@alexandria ~$ file `which bibtex`
> /opt/texbin/bibtex: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
> dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped
> > * depending on the error - can you replace the "bibtex" with a shell
> > script to dump the current working directory - sometime the things
> > are not executing where you expect them (just battled Java-native
> > launchers where the current working directory can't be set
> I replaced bibtex with a script that prints $PWD and the provided arguments. 
> I got
> Current directory ($PWD):
> /home/paulo/Projetos/commons-exec-report
> Arguments:
> "file with spaces.aux"
> Done.
> with 0 as exit value.
> Quite odd, isn't it? :) It's driving me crazy. Well, crazier. :P
> All the best,
> Paulo
> Em 24-04-2014 10:14, Siegfried Goeschl escreveu:
>> Hi Pauolo,
>> sorry for the next dumb question (but I'm actually quite good at it)
>> * what is the result of the failed "bibtex" invocation?
>> * is "bibtex" a native binary or a shell script?
>> * depending on the error - can you replace the "bibtex" with a shell
>> script to dump the current working directory - sometime the things are
>> not executing where you expect them (just battled Java-native launchers
>> where the current working directory can't be set
>> Cheers,
>> Siegfried Goeschl
>> On 24.04.14 15:07, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda wrote:
>>> Hello Siegfried!
>>> Wow, thanks for the fast response. :)
>>> Deeply sorry, I forgot to mention the environment. I'm running my code
>>> under Linux (Fedora 20, Java 1.7.0) and MacOSX (Mavericks, 10.9.2). I
>>> was unaware of the .aux thing under Windows, it's good to know about it;
>>> TeX tools use .aux files all the time, so it might be interesting to
>>> investigate some side effects from it. :)
>>> Apparently, the error persists with other tool named makeglossaries that
>>> also uses this .aux file. I'm starting to get scared. :)
>>> All the best,
>>> Paulo
>>> Em 24-04-2014 09:50, Siegfried Goeschl escreveu:
>>>> Hi Paulo,
>>>> some stupid thought and it might not even be related to your problem
>>>> "aux" is under Windows a reserved and can't be used as file name - see
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename - are you running the stuff under
>>>> WIndows?
>>>> Is it possible to rename the offending file to something different then
>>>> ".aux"
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Siegfried Goeschl
>>>> On 24.04.14 14:36, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda wrote:
>>>>> Dear friends,
>>>>> For some time, I was sure issue #54
>>>>> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EXEC-54) was the culprit of one
>>>>> my programs misbehaving. Today, I decided to devote some time in
>>>>> understanding what's been happening in my code and apparently issue
>>>>> #54 does not appear to be culprit here!
>>>>> Here's a sample code that might explain what's happening. Note that I
>>>>> use two programs here (pdflatex and bibtex, hopefully available from
>>>>> any recent TeX distribution), and similar expansions lead to different
>>>>> results. Apologies for the long code excerpt.
>>>>> ===============================================================
>>>>> @Test
>>>>>    public void testCommonsExecExecution() throws IOException,
>>>>> InterruptedException {
>>>>>        String program = "bibtex";
>>>>>        String argument = "file with spaces.aux";
>>>>>        CommandLine line = new CommandLine(program);
>>>>>        line.addArgument(argument);
>>>>>        // so far, everything ok
>>>>>        assertEquals(line.toString(), "[bibtex, \"file with
>>>>> spaces.aux\"]");
>>>>>        DefaultExecuteResultHandler resultHandler = new
>>>>> DefaultExecuteResultHandler();
>>>>>        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>>>>>        PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(out,
>>>>> out);
>>>>>        DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
>>>>>        executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler);
>>>>>        executor.execute(line, resultHandler);
>>>>>        resultHandler.waitFor();
>>>>>        // bibtex is executed with "file with spaces.aux".aux,
>>>>>        // which is not what I expected
>>>>>        assertEquals(out.toString(), "I couldn't open file name
>>>>> `\"file with spaces.aux\".aux'\n");
>>>>>        program = "pdflatex";
>>>>>        argument = "file with spaces.tex";
>>>>>        line = new CommandLine(program);
>>>>>        line.addArgument(argument);
>>>>>        // so far, everything ok
>>>>>        assertEquals(line.toString(), "[pdflatex, \"file with
>>>>> spaces.tex\"]");
>>>>>        resultHandler = new DefaultExecuteResultHandler();
>>>>>        out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>>>>>        streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(out, out);
>>>>>        executor = new DefaultExecutor();
>>>>>        executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler);
>>>>>        executor.execute(line, resultHandler);
>>>>>        resultHandler.waitFor();
>>>>>        // here, pdflatex works with "file with spaces.tex"
>>>>>        assertTrue(out.toString().contains("! I can't find file
>>>>> `\"file with spaces.tex\"'."));
>>>>>    }
>>>>> ===============================================================
>>>>> Note that Exec has both
>>>>> [ bibtex, file with spaces.aux ]
>>>>> [ pdflatex, file with spaces.tex ]
>>>>> parsed correctly, but only the latter execution is properly done. Now
>>>>> I'm not sure if it's even Exec's fault, but what strikes me is the
>>>>> fact that with pdflatex, the execution works.
>>>>> Maybe I'm missing something obvious. Could you guys shed some light
>>>>> into this problem?
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Paulo
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