On 4/13/15 2:39 PM, Dan wrote:
>>> repeatedly seen this happen and would appreciate some input or advice.
>>> We're using version 1.6 of the commons pool, I don't believe we could
>>> upgrade without good reason.
>> From the line numbers in the stack trace, it looks like you are
>> actually running pool 1.3, which is, well, ancient.  You should
>> verify the version and if it is as I suspect, you should definitely
>> upgrade.  Just have a look at the change log for the many, many
>> issues that have been resolved since 1.3.  That version should be
>> deadlock-free, though it achieves that by extreme
>> over-synchronization.  Both borrow and return are fully synchronized
>> (threads are waiting on the pool monitor in the dump below).
>> Version 1.3 is the least performant version of commons pool.
> My apologies, I just searched the .ear we deploy for what I thought
> was the commons pool and found commons-pool-1.6.jar, so I figured that
> was the active version. Now that I look again, there are 20 .jar files
> all containing the word commons in the file name, with varying version
> numbers. Like I said, I'm just a lowly server admin watching this app
> crash.
>> Additionally, the maxIdle setting limits the number of instances
>> that can be idle in the pool to just 8.  That means that when
>> instances are returned and there are already 8 idle, the returning
>> instances are destroyed.  When more load arrives, you then have to
>> wait for them to be created, which in v 1.3 causes all threads to
>> wait on the factory.  If you can afford to have more instances idle,
>> you should increase that number.
> In what sense do you say 'afford'? The servers have more than enough
> CPU/RAM available when this happens. Would you expect any meaningful
> overhead from bumping this number up to 50 or 100 during normal
> operations? We have test environments, but have struggled to create
> similar loads to production in them, so it may be difficult to fully
> test this change.
>> You will likely get immediate relief by increasing maxIdle to
>> several hundred or even the maxActive number; but you really should
>> upgrade to a more recent version.  See the pool web page for JDK
>> requirements and version compatibility.
> Thanks, I was very surprised when I saw how many versions behind our
> code looked from my naive glancing. I will suggest the maxIdle change
> and go from there.
> Just to clarify, the reason these threads are (likely) blocking is
> that we have 8 idle pool members, so every single request thereafter
> will cause a synchronized construct/destruct which blocks the entire
> pool until it completes, effectively limiting throughput to one
> request at a time until load goes down. I'd just like something
> meaningful to pass onto the developers.

Let me try to explain a little better so you can make the right
decisions before and after upgrade.

The maxActive setting (renamed maxTotal in v. 2) governs the total
number of instances in circulation - checked out or idle waiting to
be checked out - at a given time.  The maxIdle setting limits the
number of instances that can sit idle in the pool.  Given your
settings, a spike in demand could cause 2048 instances to be created
and handed out to clients.  On return, any arriving back when there
were more than 8 instances idle would get destroyed.  In general
maxIdle << maxTotal under variable load will result in a lot of
object creation / destruction.  If your environment can allow
maxIdle == maxTotal (or at least not hugely less), you can avoid
this churn.  Sometimes people want to reallocate resources after
load subsides so they set maxIdle << maxActive.

Now, pool 1.3 makes the pain associated with object churn much worse
because the factory create and destroy methods are executed while
holding *global* locks on the pool.  That means all threads waiting
on borrow or return have to wait for the factory methods to complete.

Morals of the story:

1.  Upgrade to a modern version of pool (1.5.7+) where the factory
methods don't block the pool
2.  Consider setting maxIdle closer or equal to maxActive.

> I appreciate the input!
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