Hi Alfonso,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alfonso Via-Reque
> [mailto:avia...@yahoo.com.INVALID]
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:27 AM
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: Read file into POJO
> Hello Commons Users,
> I'm looking for a way to read files directly into POJOs.  The
> idea is that the file layout would be defined in an
> "properties"-type file (XML or something). The layout
> could be delimited or fixed-width, with the layout file
> defining the columns and which POJO member variable
> they should be set to.
> For example, a file might be tilde (~) delimited and follow
> this layout:ID~first name~last
> name~age~address~city~state~zip

On how to define the layout you can use:

- XML, you can rely on Commons Configuration
- ~ delimeted, rely on standard Java class FileInputReader
  and StringTokenizer

> I'd like to read it into a class:
> public class Person {    private Integer id;
>     private String firstName;
>     private String lastName;    private Integer age;    private
> String address;    private String city;
>     private String state;
>     private String zip;
>     // Getters and Setters ...
> }
> Is there a tool that do this?

take a look at Apache Commons BeanUtils


as stated in the user guide


you can access your accessor method via


> ThanksAlfonso

Hope it helps.


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