
1)get an OS that supports spaces in filenames

2)OR use quote to delimit file name e.g.
"file name.ext"


From: Mark Trolley <>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 11:30 AM
To: Martin Gainty
Subject: Re: [exec] Executed command can't open file argument

You're absolutely right in that it was the spaces in the filename. If I rename 
the file without spaces it works correctly. By the way I am running this on a 
Mac, though I didn't think that would make any difference.

Is there any workaround other than renaming the file to get it to handle spaces 
in the name? I need them formatted that way because I parse the name to detect 
the show name, season number, and episode number to look up metadata.

On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Martin Gainty 
<<>> wrote:

MG>please see below

MG>some file systems cannot read either long filenames or filenames with spaces
MG>what happens if you shorten up testing_mp4 to TESTIN~1 and shorten Futurama 
- S05E01.mp4 to Futurama.mp4 ?

MG>check acl/cacls permissions
MG>for the user that you use to run AtomicParsley has permissions to read
MG>/Users/mtrolley/testing_mp4/Futurama - S05E01.mp4 ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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