Hi Raffaele,

Had a quick look at the code - the code directly uses the JDK MimeUtility class 
to implement the folding. And doing something differently is hard to find out 
since there are many email clients out there - and actually following the RFC 
is quite hard

Thanks in advance, 

Siegfried Goeschl

> On 06.02.2019, at 14:05, Raffaele Gambelli <r.gambe...@westpole.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is probably a known issue, Outlook is not fully conform to RFC 2231 so 
> it's unable to parse long filename attachments, this happens when sender 
> applies RFC 822 folding rules, so for example a filename 
> "CANALI+GIOVANNI+SRL+-+NOTA+PROT.+0001461+DEL+04.02.2019.pdf.p7m" once sent 
> (via commons email) becomes:
> Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature;
> name*0=CANALI+GIOVANNI+SRL+-+NOTA+PROT.+0001461+DEL+04.02.2019.pdf.;
> name*1=p7m
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename*0=CANALI+GIOVANNI+SRL+-+NOTA+PROT.+0001461+DEL+04.02.2019.pdf.;
> filename*1=p7m
> This problem has been present in Outlook for many years, I could suppose 
> Microsoft doesn't think to fix it, maybe they think it's not an issue, I 
> really don't know.
> What I would like to know is if with "commons email" exists the possibility 
> to avoid folding of header parameter names, besides that I would like to know 
> your opinion if what I've just said is right or if it could bring problems on 
> some other different clients.
> Thanks, best regards
> Some useful references:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309566
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2231
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> Raffaele Gambelli
> WebRainbow(r) Software Developer
> P +39 051 8550 576
> M #
> E r.gambe...@westpole.it
> W https://westpole.webex.com/meet/R.Gambelli
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