Hello, I am hoping the group can provide some guidance on building a map/reduce summary for a set of documents that I have retrieved with a complex key range query.

In summary, I want to query a range of docs by a complex key consisting of an [id, year, month, day, engine]. It is common for me to need to query over a range of dates with something along the lines of this (CouchRest Ruby code):

sd = SearchDocument.by_ad_domain_histogram(:startkey => [3, 2009, 9, 1, "g"], :endkey => [3, 2009, 9, 28, "g"], :include_docs => false, :reduce => true)

In this example, I want all SearchDocuments that are for category '3' between 9/1/2009 and 9/28/2009, and for engine 'g'.

Now, this is working well and returning a range of docs. So the tricky part (at least for me as a CouchDB n00b) is that each of these docs also has an 'ad_domain' value. And what I want is to generate a simple histogram which groups all of these range of docs by the ad_domains found. So I want to get back at the end of the day is something like:

{'foo.com' => 12, 'bar.com' => 32, 'baz.com' => 14}

This is what I am stuck on as I have not wrapped my head around map/ reduce in CouchDB quite yet. I think this would be easier if I emitted the ad_domain at the end of the complex key if ALL of the parts of the key that I was querying on were the same. But since I am querying on a range of keys I end up with a reduce spitting out multiple entries for 'foo.com' since that domain was found across several days (unique complex keys) of results.

Is it possible to do what I want?

Here is a work in progress map/reduce, which doesn't do what I want yet. Help in modifying it would be much appreciated (and tips for doing what I am already doing, only better!):

  view_by :ad_domain_histogram,
      :map =>
        'function(doc) {
if( (doc["couchrest-type"] == "SearchDocument") && doc.category_id && doc.searched_at && doc.engine) {
            var domain;
            if(doc.ad_domain == null){
                  new Date(Date.parse(doc.searched_at)).getFullYear(),
                  new Date(Date.parse(doc.searched_at)).getMonth() + 1,
                  new Date(Date.parse(doc.searched_at)).getDate(),
        :reduce =>
          "function(keys, values, rereduce) {
            return sum(values);

Thanks very much in advance,


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