not at the moment no - I am not sure what state it is in for the next version though.

But to answer your immediate need, you can actually use non getter methods:

say you have a Object called Cheese, and methods like:

public String name();
public int price();

you can actually use them as fields in a rule:

Cheese(name == ..., price == ..)

getters are a "special" case, in which it is converted to the bean name. But if you have non getter methods (as long as they take no parameters, and return a value) then you can use them in rules !


On 10/26/06, Trevor Pocock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this has probably been discussed already, but is there any mechanism available
to register my own extractor factory? Background is we've got lots of wonderful
business objects with a proprietary getter / setter mechanism which allows us to
build paths over related objects and handle lots of great stuff.

Problem is the objects aint Beans and aint never gonna be Beans, so use of the
rule engine is going to be limited to those business objects we add getBlah
methods to.

Anyone done it?


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