no you can't do nested accessors like that just now. In 3.2 we will most
likely alllow it by converting it to a predicate (which has a runtime
performance penalty that most people won't notice, but its necessary as
nested structures are kind of unsafe for rete, but nevertheless for the end
user you won't really have to care about it, unless you are really paranoid
or need to tune, in which case you can flatted out your fact model somewhat
when needed).


On 11/15/06, Geise, Thorsten (ext) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Assuming I have folllowing structure of an object A that I want to use
for building LHS conditions:

Class A {
        b: Class B {
                attr1: String;

I get error messages if I try get A.B.attr1 in the following way:

        a: A($param1: b.attr1)

Isn't drools using the JAVA beans mechanism to get attributes from
aggregated classes? Right now, I need to implement a public method in A
which returns b.attr1, like:

Class A {
        b: Class B {
                attr1: String;
        public getAttr1() { return b.getAttr1(); }

...and use it in the following way:

        a: A($param1: attr1)

Any comments?


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