I think it is on its way to jboss repo, but not central (will have to check
with mark on that one though). It is so hard to get central one up to date,
and whenever they rely on syncing it never works, whereas with the jboss one
we both have the bandwidth and the control to put what we want there.

On 11/29/06, Geoffrey De Smet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is it going to be pushed to the central maven repo (like 3.0.4)?

Which will be the groupId?
- drools (bad - current on central maven repo)
- org.drools (good - current on jboss repo)


Michael Neale wrote, On 2006-11-29 1:33 PM:
> Latest release of the production branch now available (update site and
> downloads).
> Check our blog for the info and release notes:
> http://markproctor.blogspot.com/2006/11/jboss-rules-305-is-released.html

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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