The Web Maestro wrote:
On May 4, 2005, at 7:26 PM, David Crossley wrote:

The Web Maestro wrote:

I'm having a problem generating the table of Contents for our FAQs
page[1], although all other pages contain generated TOCs at the top. I
checked the Forrest 0.6 Menus & Linking page[2], and it indicates that
skinconf.xml should include the element:

<toc level="2" location="page"/>

The value we have in our skinconf.xml file is:

<toc max-depth="2" min-sections="3" location="page"/>

Although what we have is different, this matches what Forrest appears
to have for its skinconf.xml file in SVN[3]. I tried switching to the
<toc level="2" location="page"/>, but I get an error that @level must
be declared. I suspect the Docs are incorrect for Forrest 0.6 (I did
make certain I'm running forrest-0.6):

The docs must be old. I suggest that you follow what is
shown in the skinconf.xml for a fresh site, i.e. cd to a
new directory, do 'forrest seed' and look at its skinconf.xml

Thanks... Yeah... what we have is what's shown in the skinconf.xml for a fresh 'seed' site:

<toc max-depth="2" min-sections="3" location="page"/>

Unfortunately, we remain with an FAQ page which doesn't generate a TOC.

I'd suspect that somehow the faq.xml file is malformed, however I suspect that would generate a validate-xdocs error...

For testing purposes try copying your faq.xml over the one in a seed site and see if it works, also try copying the seed site faq into your project directory. Does that work?

This will at least help us to narrow down the problem.
