On Jan 5, 2007, at 9:52 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Jan 5, 2007, at 9:04 AM, Carragher Jr, Richard wrote:

David, Thanks for the response.  I'll try to debug it - I'm assuming
there's no log statements, and you would like me to run it in a

Either that or add some logging statements and recompile. I suspect the debugger might be simpler.

Another thought that I had, is it possible to look at the JNDI tree, to
verify that my ejb is deployed properly?

I don't know of any tools that would let you look.

FYI, there was just a jira opened (and a patch supplied) to provide this capability in 2.0 -- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ GERONIMO-2689

I doubt it would work on a 1.1 base...


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