
I have a GBean from which I need to grab a reference to a JMS
TopicConnectionFactory and a JMS Topic.  Currently, I am attempting to use
the GBean Kernel API to grab these references.  I have succesfully
retrieved the TopicConnectionFactory using the following method:

   public TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory( String
aTopicConnFactoryJndi )
      TopicConnectionFactory lTopicConnFactory = null;
      Kernel lKernel = KernelRegistry.getSingleKernel();
      Iterator lConnectorIt =
            new AbstractNameQuery(


      try {
         while ( lConnectorIt.hasNext() ) {
            AbstractName lName = ( AbstractName ) lConnectorIt.next();

            String lConInterface =
               ( String ) lKernel.getAttribute( lName,
"connectionFactoryInterface" );
            if ( lConInterface.equals( "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory" )
) {
               String lPoolName = lName.getNameProperty( "name" );
               if ( lPoolName.equals( aTopicConnFactoryJndi ) ) {
                  lTopicConnFactory =
                     ( TopicConnectionFactory ) lKernel.invoke( lName,
"$getResource" );

      } catch ( Exception e ) {
         throw new RuntimeException( "Could not retrieve topic connection
factory", e );

      return lTopicConnFactory;

However, I do not know how to retrieve a JMS Topic using the same technique
as I don't know what my AbstractNameQuery should be, nor what attributes of
the GBean I should be searching for.  Does anybody know how to do this?


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