If you export your application as a plugin then you can edit its geronimo-plugin.xml file to specify where its dependencies are available in a maven repo. Then when someone else installs that plugin Geronimo will automatically download its dependencies and install them into their server's repo. There is also a maven plugin that can create a Geronimo plugin (aka .car file) from your EAR or WAR application. There is not much documentation available for this right now but I can point you at some examples in SVN if you're interested.

Best wishes,

On Sep 10, 2007, at 5:10 PM, thebugslayer wrote:

Paul, The console only let me upload one artifact at a time. Is there
a bulk upload tool? Better yet, is there way to specify a maven
pom.xml dependencies used in my own project that will automatically
upload to the G server?


On 9/10/07, Paul McMahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is a portlet in the admin console for that. http:// localhost:

Best wishes,

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:34 PM, thebugslayer wrote:

Hi Geronimo users,

Is there a good way/tool to install user dependencies into $G/




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