I don't have a test env to try this out, but from looking at the Tomcat docs it looks like you may need to configure JvmRouteBinderValve. Something like:

<gbean gbeanInfo="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.ValveGBean" name="org.apache.geronimo.configs/tomcat6/2.0.1/car? ServiceModule=org.apache.geronimo.configs/tomcat6/2.0.1/ car,j2eeType=TomcatValve,name=JvmRouteBinderValve">
        <attribute name="className">
<attribute name="initParams">enabled=true</attribute>

Best wishes,

On Sep 14, 2007, at 9:49 AM, Dennis Cartier wrote:

Does anyone know how to enable sticky sessions in Geronimo 2.0.1?

I tried using the method that worked in previous Geronimo versions,
adding the following to the config.xml file:

<gbean name="TomcatEngine">
<attribute name="initParams">name="Geronimo" jvmRoute="node1"</ attribute>

This did not seem to have any effect on the composition of the
JSESSIONID, hence no sticky sessions.

When I looked up the docs on Tomcat 6 as it pertains to clustering,
the instructions indicate that the server.xml file should be modified
to enable this feature. The Tomcat being used in Geronimo does not
seem to have this file. I assume that the Tomcat instance is being
configured using code. Is there anyway to configure the Tomcat
instance that Geronimo starts?


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