Due to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3480 at the moment to configure these properties you have to rebuild the geronimo- activemq-ra module with a modified ra.xml that includes the properties you want to configure. Maybe we can post an "enhanced" rar somewhere soon with all the configurable properties listed until this bug is fixed.

david jencks

On Oct 4, 2007, at 5:08 AM, Marcin Waldowski wrote:


I just doing the same :)

We need to change Redelivery Policy of ActiveMQ. I found some information about this:

In ActiveMQ source code in class
you can easy find what this parameters mean. But in your case you need to change only 'initialRedeliveryDelay'.

Now I'm digging where change this parameters in geronimo.

Join irc://irc.freenode.net/geronimo, perhaps we will be able to find it together ;)

Regards, Marcin

Jochen Zink wrote:

I have a simple JMS Queue and a MessageDriven Bean. The Bean retreices Messages, which are sended to te JMS Queue. If the MDB throws an exception, no acknoledge is sended to the Queue. The Message while be redelievered after a very short time. This time is to short. Is it possible to configure this time, for example to 5 minutes?

Thanks a lot!
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