Hey Jim,

I tried deploying the 4.0.9 version and got similar issues.

But, I got the nightly 4.1 build and deployed that.

It does initially bring up the 'quick links' page. But if you click on the flash link in: 'If this is the first time you've run OpenLaszlo or you are looking for an introduction, please try Laszlo Explorer (Flash) (DHTML).'

Then it brings up the Laszlo Explorer correctly.

I don't know what they changed - but the nightly works where the 'release' doesn't.

Hope that helps,


Jim Foster wrote:
Hi Viet,

I tried both avenues that you suggested.

[1] Console Navigation > Deploy New

[2] Command line of
geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0.2\bin>java -jar ./deployer.jar -u system -p
manager deploy [path to openlaszlo-4.0.9.war]

In both cases, the .war seemed to deploy just fine, but both cases yield the
following in the navigator frame of laszlo-explorer:

Error: explore-nav.lzx:5:28: datatype library
"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"; not recognized

Still seems to me something with the schema.

For what it's worth, I deployed the same openlaszlo-4.0.9.war file to a
baseline installation of Tomcat 5.5.25, and it worked just fine.



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