On Mar 19, 2008, at 3:43 PM, René Jansen wrote:

I wanted to confirm 1), same problem here.

Something funny is going on with Geronimo itself on MacOSX 5.2, Java 1.5:

- on my Intel Macbook Pro, it runs without a hitch
- on my dual 2.5 Ghz PPC Powermac, it hangs during startup. Like it is waiting for a lock, but: when starting with either java -verbose switched on or debug on, it does finish loading.

Ya, there's a startup deadlock which can occur on the Leopard JSE. I get it intermittently on my MacBook Pro. Heard a report, last week, that it's been seen on a Linux box, also... Here's a Jira with a bit more info -- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-3687

The real cause of the problem is -- 

I'm able to avoid this by running with jpda (YMMV and it's a bit of a pain...). The following has never deadlocked for me:

./geronimo.sh jpda run

I'll start thinking about another work-around (hmm. or I wonder if the old work-around has been regressed)...


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