On Mar 27, 2008, at 3:03 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:


So far, the same time we look at geronimo, we are into playing around
with glassfish which seems to do better about these things for a simple reason: It provides a fairly sophisticated management interface to deal
with all these issues in an easy way.

I'd be interested to hear what specific features you are finding particularly useful (and feel Geronimo is lacking).

Given that, and assuming to
replace an existing, distributed environment by one "huge" (indeed
monolithic it seems) Java EE container, there seems to be quite a
benefit compared to our given situation, plus the chance to throw in
things like EJB, JMS, ... easily to our Spring based applications. But
the idea of the Java EE server being a standalone, well-administered
runtime to just dump applications to and be reasonably sure they will
start out is a tempting thing. From that point of view, I have indeed
get acquainted to the idea of, say, building "my own app server
distribution" by assembling an application server containing just my
application. But maybe indeed it's just about getting used to it. At
least, is there a way of running geronimo 2.x as a "traditional"
application server (standalone installation on some dedicated host
ready to recieve apps) as well?

Absolutely. We distribute a full-functioned, EE 5 compliant version of Geronimo. We just have additional features which permit you to create server images which are custom built to the requirements of your application. Alternatively, you can create server images with custom feature sets (JSP/Servlet, JPA, etc), but leaving out functions that you'll never use and deploy applications in a traditional fashion.


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