On Apr 5, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Łukasz Budnik wrote:

Hi Kevan,

On 04/04/2008, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have some fuzzy memory of somebody reporting the same slow JSP compilation
performance problem, trying it myself, and not seeing the problem. I
couldn't find anything searching back through email, though (as i say it's a
fuzzy memory :).

You'll need to use the JspC class from
repository/org/apache/tomcat/jasper/6.0.14-G614585/jasper-6.0.14- G614585.jar in your Geronimo install. Our pom.xml shows how to do this in maven. I've
never done it, but as an Ant task, think you'll just need to set your

Yes, I'm using my own jspc-classpath, and of course I'm using Geronimo's Jasper.


Lukasz possible that you could suggest some documentation after you fix your

sure, wish me luck ;)

Sorry. I misunderstood your problem (guess I didn't look closely enough).

Nice work!


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