I'm starting to release my plugins, and I've figured out a reasonably simple way for people to use them. See my README here:

Currently, I've released two plugins: ClassLoaders and Exec. They allow you to gain access to a classloader based on a configuration and execute shell scripts (respectively).

A RunJRuby and a Cucumber plugin are coming presently. The goal will be to eat Cuke4Duke's lunch: I've been underwhelmed with Cuke4Duke's ease-of-use.

Also thinking about a Conventional plugin, which would add source sets based on the existence of directories, use the ~/.m2 repo, and maybe do a few other standard stunts. And, finally, I'm considering two ease-of-use plugins: com.smokejumperit.gradle.AllPlugins (which simply pulls in all the plugins in the com.smokejumperit.gradle suite) and com.smokejumperit.gradle.FavoritePlugins (which pulls in all my favorite plugins with some pre-configuration).

Just FYI, Gradle is featuring prominently in my book on Polyglot Programming. :)

~~ Robert.

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