On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Daz DeBoer

> G'day
> Ivy provides a flag that allows a repository to contain no module
> descriptor (pom.xml or ivy.xml) for a module version; the existence of the
> jar is enough for a module descriptor to be generated. This is currently
> enabled for all of our repositories, including ivy{} and maven{}. We will
> prefer a non-generated module descriptor if we can find one in any
> repository, but this feature currently adds a couple of extra http calls
> for every repository where the module is not located.

how does Maven itself behave here?

> I'd like to switch this off by default for ivy {} and maven {}
> repositories. The name of these repositories implies the meta-data format,
> and I think it would be better to be strict by default. It would be trivial
> to add a flag that turned this on for one of these repositories, in which
> case the extra overhead would be incurred.
> It might also be good to provide an http {} repository, which does not use
> any metadata descriptor format, and only looks for artifact files (similar
> to the flatdir {} repository).

I really like that idea.

> Thoughts? Do most people have well structured repositories, or are mixed
> repositories common (where only some modules have a pom.xml/ivy.xml).

Mixed repos are uncommon I would say. Though I know two Gradle using large
enterprises that have them.


> Thanks for your feedback
> cheers
> --
> Darrell (Daz) DeBoer
> Principal Engineer, Gradleware
> http://www.gradleware.com

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