If you're not swapping then don't worry about it. 

My comment was that even though you set the swap to 0, and I'm going from 
memory, its possible for some swap to occur. 
(But I could be wrong. )

You really don't have a lot of memory, and you have a  5GB heap... MSLABS on? 
Could you be facing a GC pause? 

On May 16, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Viral Bajaria <viral.baja...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Going from memory, the swap value setting to 0 is a suggestion. You may
>> still actually swap, but I think its a 'last resort' type of thing.
>> When you look at top, at the top of the page, how much swap do you see?
> When I look at top it says: 0K total, 0K used, 0K free (as expected). I can
> try and add some swap but will do it as a last resort as suggested by you.

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