On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Jay Vyas <jayunit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Should hbase-master be changed to localhost?
> Maybe Try changing /etc/hosts to match the actual non loopback ip of your 
> machine... (i.e. just run Ifconfig | grep 1 and see what ip comes out :))
>  and make sure your /etc/hosts matches the file in my blog post, (you need 
> hbase-master to be defined in your /etc/hosts...).

hbase.master was dropped around 2009 now that we have zookeeper. So
you can set it to whatever you want, it won't change anything :)

> 2) zookeeper parent seems bad..
> Change hbase-rootdir to "hbase" (in hbase.rootdir) so that it's consistent 
> with what you defined in zookeeper parent node.

Those two are really unrelated, /hbase is the default so no need to
override it, and I'm guessing that hbase.rootdir is somewhere writable
so that's all good.

Now, regarding the "Check the value configured in
'zookeeper.znode.parent", it's triggered when the client wants to read
the /hbase znode in ZooKeeper but it's unable to. If it doesn't exist,
it might be because your HBase is homed elsewhere. It could also be
that HBase isn't running at all so the Master never got to create it.

BTW you can start the shell with -d and it's gonna give more info and
dump all the stack traces.

Going by this thread I would guess that HBase isn't running so the
shell won't help. Another way to check is pointing your browser to
localhost:60010 and see if the master is responding. If not, time to
open up the log and see what's up.


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