On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Viral Bajaria <viral.baja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Jean-Daniel Cryans 
> <jdcry...@apache.org>wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Viral Bajaria <viral.baja...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> It's not random, it picks the region with the most data in its memstores.
> That's weird, because I see some of my regions which receive the least
> amount of data in a given time period flushing before the regions that are
> receiving data continuously. The reason I know this is because of the write
> pattern. Some of my tables are in catch-up mode i.e. I am ingesting data
> from the past and they always have something to do. While some tables are
> not in catch-up mode and are just sitting idle for most of the time. Yet I
> see high number of flushes for those regions too.
>> I doubt that it's the fact that it's a major compaction that it's
>> making everything worse. When a minor gets promoted into a major it's
>> because we're already going to compact all the files, so we might as
>> well get rid of some deletes at the same time. They are all getting
>> selected because the files are within the selection ratio. I would not
>> focus on this to resolve your problem.
> I meant worse for my writes not for HBase as a whole.
>> I haven't been closely following this thread, but have you posted a
>> log snippet somewhere? It's usually much more telling and we eliminate
>> a few levels of interpretation. Make sure it's at DEBUG, and that you
>> grab a few hours of activity. Get the GC log for the same time as
>> well. Drop this on a web server or pastebin if it fits.
> The only log snippet that I posted was the flushing action. Also that log
> was not everything, I had grep'd a few lines out. Let me collect some more
> stats here and post it again. I just enabled GC logging on this server,
> deployed the wrong config out initially which had no GC logging. I am not
> sure how GC logs will help here given that I am at less than 50% heap space
> used and so I would doubt a stop the world GC happening. Are you trying to
> look for some other information ?

Just trying to cover all the bases.


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