Are those incremented cells?


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Patrick Schless
<> wrote:
> I have had replication running for about a week now, and have had a lot of
> data flowing to our slave cluster over that time. Now, I'm running the
> verifyrep MR job over a 1-hour period a couple days ago (which should be
> fully replicated), and I'm seeing a small number of "BADROWS".
> Spot-checking a few of them, the issue seems to be that the rows are
> present, and have the same values, but a single cell in the row will be off
> by 1ms.
> For instance, the log reports this error:
> java.lang.Exception: This result was different:
> keyvalues={01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:!\xDF\xE0\x01/1373470622986/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:&s\xC0\x01/1373470923084/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:+\x07\xA0\x01/1373471223717/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:/\x9B\x80\x01/1373471523316/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:4/`\x01/1373471822913/Put/vlen=8}
> compared to
> keyvalues={01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:!\xDF\xE0\x01/1373470622986/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:&s\xC0\x01/1373470923084/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:+\x07\xA0\x01/1373471223716/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:/\x9B\x80\x01/1373471523316/Put/vlen=8,
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:4/`\x01/1373471822913/Put/vlen=8}
> Some diffing reduces the issue down to:
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:+\x07\xA0\x01/1373471223717/Put/vlen=8
> compared to
> 01e581745c6a43aba01adf105af4e4a92013071015/data:+\x07\xA0\x01/1373471223716/Put/vlen=8.
> I'm assuming that the value before "/Put" is the cell's timestamp, which
> means that the copies are off by 1ms.
> Any idea what could cause this? So far (the job is still running), the
> problem seems rare (about 0.05% of rows).
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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