While we're on the topic of upcoming meetups, there's also a meetup at
Facebook's NYC office the week of Strata/Hadoop World (10/28). There's
still room for about 50 attendees.



On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Enis Söztutar <e...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I just wanted to give a heads up on upcoming bay area user and dev meetups
> which will happen on the same day, October 24th. ( special thanks Stack for
> pushing this.)
> The user meetup will start at 6:30, and the talks scheduled so far are:
> + Steven Noels will talk about using the Lily Indexer to search your HBase
> content: http://ngdata.github.io/hbase-indexer/
> + St.Ack will talk about what is in hbase-0.96.0
> + Enis will talk about Mapreduce over HBase snapshots (HBASE-8369)
> There will be food and beers as usual. The event page is at
> http://www.meetup.com/hbaseusergroup/events/140759692/. Please write me or
> Stack off-list if you want to give a talk. There is still room for one more
> talk.
> The dev meetup will start at 4pm. Some of the suggested topics include:
> + When is 0.98.0?
> + When is 1.0?  What makes for an HBase 1.0.
> + Assignment Manager
> + What next on MTTR?
> The event page is at: http://www.meetup.com/hackathon/events/144366512/.
> Feel free to suggest / bring up topics that you think is important for
> post-0.96.
> Enis

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