Yeah you should use endtime, it was fixed as part of

You can see the bad rows listed in the user logs for your MR job.


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:06 AM, Hansi Klose <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote a little script which should control the running replication.
> The script is triggered by cron and executes the following command with
> the actual time stamp in "endtime" and
> a time stamp => endtime - 10800000 milli seconds. So the time frame is 3
> hours.
> hadoop jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase.jar verifyrep --starttime=1397217601927
> --endtime=1397228401927 --families=t 1 tablename 2>&1
> After some running's the script found some BADROWS.
> 14/04/11 17:04:05 INFO mapred.JobClient:     BADROWS=176
> 14/04/11 17:04:05 INFO mapred.JobClient:     GOODROWS=2
> I executed the same command 20 Minutes later in the shell and got :
> hadoop jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase.jar verifyrep --starttime=1397217601927
> --endtime=1397228401927 --families=t 1 tablename 2>&1
> 14/04/11 17:21:03 INFO mapred.JobClient:     BADROWS=178
> After that I run the command with the same start time and the actual
> timestamp an end time, so the time frame is greater
> but with the same start time. And now I got :
> hadoop jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase.jar verifyrep --starttime=1397217601927
> --endtime=1397230074876 --families=t 1 tablename 2>&1
> 14/04/11 17:28:28 INFO mapred.JobClient:     GOODROWS=184
> Is there something wrong with the command?
> In our metrics i could not see that three is an Issue at that time.
> We are a little bit confused about the endtime. In all documents they talk
> about stoptime.
> But we found that in the job configuration there is no parameter called
> stoptime.
> We found the "verifyrep.startTime" which hold the value of the starttime
> in our command and
> "verifyrep.endTime" which is alway 0 when we use stoptime in the command.
> So we decided to use endtime
> Even in the code
> they use: "static long endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;"
> Which name is the right on? endtime or stoptime?
> We use cdh 4.2.0.
> Regards Hansi

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