Hi Stephen,

thanks for the response - we've tried following
guide but it seems enabling ignite-opencensus optional lib is insufficient
for our standalone Apache Ignite servers to start with configuration
similar to
 We are getting ClassNotFoundException.

It seems the problem is following dependencies are not included in the
container images published at https://hub.docker.com/r/apacheignite/ignite


Somehow opencesus-exporter-trace-zipkin is included as optional lib but
opencensus-exporter-stats-prometheus and simpleclient_httpserver aren't. Is
this something that could be fixed?

Kind regards,
Mateusz Kapturski

śr., 6 wrz 2023 o 11:55 Stephen Darlington <sdarling...@apache.org>

> A good place to start would be the monitoring section of the
> documentation:
> https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/monitoring-metrics/intro
> You can use JMX, OpenCensus, some of the system views; deploying on
> Kubernetes doesn't change any of that.
> Control.sh, as you suggest, can be used for *ad hoc* inspection. More
> information here:
> https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/tools/control-script#metric-command
> Maybe use the system views to find the names of the metrics (select name
> from sys.metrics) and use control.sh to view them?
> On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 08:23, Mateusz K <fenix.citi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a cluster running on Apache Ignite 2.15 version on Kubernetes.
>> Could you please advise how to obtain basic cache and cluster nodes
>> statistics using control.sh script? Ignite Visor is no longer an option (it
>> used to be sufficient for basic insights).
>> I've raised https://github.com/apache/ignite/issues/10834 for the same
>> back in July but it has been missed. What are our alternatives (including
>> paid ones) you would recommend?
>> Kind regards,
>> Mateusz Kapturski

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