I haven't used much of the features inside the IDE except running all the tests together during deployment (however I have a bit of a different use case for jbehave), I assume the junit notifier feature should work in different IDEs, since it is not directly a feature of the IDE (haven't explored that feature further, maybe that would be interesting though). Jbehave doesn't have a product management department that decides on "marketable" features, if you consider this relevant, maybe you could contribute such a feature, most of the things I seen in Jbehave recently have either been contributed by different people or some where suggestions by users. There is an eclipse specific plugin being developed outside of the main jbehave project, maybe something similar can be done for intelij.

On 24.12.2012 00:55, Iulian Greculescu wrote:
Thanks Alex.

After changing the RunWith to point to JUnitReportingRunner and making a
minor change to load the spring steps context in a different way it
worked perfectly in eclipse. A pity it does not work with intelij as well.

Just wondering why jBehave does not support such am IDE reporting plugin
natively? These small things can weigh a lot when it comes to the
decision of whether to go jBehave way or another. My team uses intelij
and it was not an easy job for me to make them switch from cucumber jvm
to jBehave :)


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