I am new with JBehave. When writing my first three login tests, I
discovered that they depend on each other.

   - Scenario 1 "Positive Login": User can login and is on homepage then.
   - Scenario 2 "Positive Logout": User can logout successfully.
   - Scenario 3 "Positive Re-Login": User can login after logout.

Logically this can be modelled as dependencies: Scenario 3 depends on
scenario 2 which itself depends on scenario 1. To test all three scenarios
it would be enough to run just scenario 3.

These are transitive scenarios, very much like transitive dependencies in
build tools like Maven. The application of transition differs (here tests,
there jar-files), but the topic is logically the same.

So I thought, hey lets do it like this with JBehave:

Scenario: Positive Logout
Given Positive Login

But JBehave does not understand my intention with "Given Positive Login",
it prints a warning in the Eclipse editor.

As it seems I could define combined steps and use them in the story. But
that would not be equivalent to be able to just write "Given Positive
Login" since the steps would not be documented in the story but in the
source code.

Is this possible, to use "Given" in such a way that it refers to another
scenario in a story? If not, what do you think of that idea?

I also wonder about declaring dependencies like in TestNG for scenarios, so
that test run execution time is optimized and the test result can be easier

If transitive scenarios are possible, JBehave could optimize the execution
time. So for instance only scenario 3 would be run (Positive Re-Login) and
since it refers to scenario 2 and scenario 2 refers to scenario 1, there
could also be results collected for all three scenarios. But does JBehave
work this way or can be made to work like it?

My questions are not about re-using source code but re-using scenarios,
modelling scenarios by declaring transitive dependencies between them and
expecting that JBehave runs them in an optimized way, which means: no run
if dependent scenario failed or no run if already run as a dependency of
another scenario which already run.

Its a bit complicated, but I hope you understand what I mean.

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