I stumpled upon an issue where I cannot use the parameters as I expected.

See the example below. The problem line is the one starting with "Then".

Scenario: Create Screenshots
Given Browser <browser> is used
And Login with user Standard
Then I create a screenshot with name homepage_<browser>
|IE     |
I supposed that JBehave will pass "hompage_CHROME" into the step method.
But it passes "hompage_<browser>" instead.

In the case above I can solve it in another way, like this:

Scenario: Create Screenshots
Given Browser <browser> is used
And Login with user Standard
Then I create a screenshot with name <filename>
|browser|filename        |
|CHROME |homepage_chrome |
|IE     |homepage_ie     |
Can I mix hard coded parameter values in the steps together with parameters
orginating from an examples table? Is this possible somehow?

I consider this just as nice to have of course, since in most cases it can
be solved in the above way.

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