Dear JBehave Devs,

My question is simple (I hope): is it possible to change candidate steps
(defined by useCandidateSteps() ) while a story is running?

The reason is a bit more complicated: we have "cross-domain" testcases
(e.g. doing something on a webpage then opening an iPhone app, going back
to the webpage) - and the steps for these domains are separated by using
different candidateSteps while starting up the framework.
Obviously while we switch to a different domain, we need those steps only...

An example scenario (not actual functionality):

Given I'm on the admin page for the customers
When I disable the login for User_A
And I switch to the iPhone app  //this would change the steplibrary?
And I log in                             //this step exists in both domains!
Then I get the error message: "Your login is disabled"

My guess is to do some magic in the Embedder, but maybe you know a more
elegant solution.

As an additional info: we are using a specialised framework, so we can do
"anything" - if this is possible at all.

I know it is not a good practice to mix different domain and business
logic, but in a lot of cases this would give us more broad coverage while
keeping the



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