It seems that I'm not able to put PublicURLOrInternalIfNull.class as a
parameter of to() method because PublicURLOrInternalIfNull does not inherit
from EndpointToSupplierAdminURI...

The method to(Class<? extends EndpointToSupplierAdminURI>) in the type
LinkedBindingBuilder<EndpointToSupplierAdminURI> is not applicable for the
arguments (Class<PublicURLOrInternalIfNull>)

2016-03-10 10:23 GMT+01:00 Ignasi Barrera <>:

> (Moving back the thread to the jclouds user list)
> Looking at the code, it seems that the User, Token and Tenant apis
> from keystone use the admin endpoint by default. You can try to change
> the default behavior and let the public endpoint be picked instead of
> the admin one. Add the following module to the list of modules you
> pass to the context builder:
> new AbstractModule() {
>    @Override protected void configure() {
> bind(EndpointToSupplierAdminURI.class).to(PublicURLOrInternalIfNull.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON);
>    }
> }
> If you need to access the admin apis from outside the network, though,
> you could consider configuring the endpoints in your OpenStack
> installation to provide a public IP in the admin endpoint too.
> Let's see if this works!
> On 10 March 2016 at 08:53, Mop Sophia <> wrote:
> > Yes, it's what I checked. The login to Keystone is ok, the service
> catalog
> > is returned, then jclouds uses the adminURL to send the request to check
> the
> > token. When I search the endpoint used by jclouds in the message
> returned by
> > Keystone, the only one occurence is the adminURL of Keystone.
> > Maybe, the url used is depending of service used ? Maybe, the adminURL is
> > used because I use the TokenApi ?
> >
> > Here is the log :
> > [DEBUG] - >> invoking
> > AuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials
> > [DEBUG] org.jclouds.http.okhttp.OkHttpCommandExecutorService - Sending
> > request -1336091735: POST https://ow:5000/v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.wire - >>
> >
> "{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username":"uuu","password":"ppp"},"tenantName":"ttt"}}"
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> POST https://ow:5000/v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> Accept: application/json
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> Content-Type: application/json
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> Content-Length: 136
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite:
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite:
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
> > Allow unsafe renegotiation: false
> > Allow legacy hello messages: true
> > Is initial handshake: true
> > Is secure renegotiation: false
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite:
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
> > %% No cached client session
> > *** ClientHello, TLSv1.2
> > RandomCookie:  GMT: 1440818357 bytes = { 59, 197, 208, 174, 148, 240,
> 177,
> > 206, 212, 36, 163, 98, 134, 77, 180, 86, 73, 55, 27, 102, 106, 53, 243,
> 123,
> > 176, 198, 201, 122 }
> > Session ID:  {}
> > Cipher Suites: [TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
> > SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5]
> > Compression Methods:  { 0 }
> > Extension elliptic_curves, curve names: {secp256r1, sect163k1, sect163r2,
> > secp192r1, secp224r1, sect233k1, sect233r1, sect283k1, sect283r1,
> secp384r1,
> > sect409k1, sect409r1, secp521r1, sect571k1, sect571r1, secp160k1,
> secp160r1,
> > secp160r2, sect163r1, secp192k1, sect193r1, sect193r2, secp224k1,
> sect239k1,
> > secp256k1}
> > Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed]
> > Extension signature_algorithms, signature_algorithms: SHA512withECDSA,
> > SHA512withRSA, SHA384withECDSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA256withECDSA,
> > SHA256withRSA, SHA224withECDSA, SHA224withRSA, SHA1withECDSA,
> SHA1withRSA,
> > SHA1withDSA, MD5withRSA
> > Extension server_name, server_name: [host_name: ow]
> > Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>
> > ***
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 196
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 93
> > *** ServerHello, TLSv1.2
> > RandomCookie:  GMT: -1498731260 bytes = { 36, 130, 85, 225, 52, 40, 183,
> 55,
> > 238, 240, 157, 87, 252, 21, 231, 146, 26, 167, 138, 91, 189, 67, 208,
> 146,
> > 100, 81, 124, 106 }
> > Session ID:  {219, 89, 152, 145, 34, 24, 219, 54, 199, 192, 105, 7, 101,
> > 241, 211, 116, 251, 121, 255, 194, 154, 200, 188, 82, 125, 10, 236, 71,
> 46,
> > 113, 96, 213}
> > Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
> > Compression Method: 0
> > Extension server_name, server_name:
> > Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>
> > Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed,
> > ansiX962_compressed_prime, ansiX962_compressed_char2]
> > ***
> > %% Initialized:  [Session-2, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 3609
> > *** Certificate chain
> > chain [0] = [
> > [
> >   Version: V3
> >   Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
> >
> >   Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
> >   modulus:
> >
> 25015677480233065115847705961537942328512906736523652040527214566334593760131991200007641517574573756638073813993956203955656090966992935527885460342760718442268834316539108111219239333535286158459627349321592221974045616157104240596491280436044585191692733482406516597279548947420554790523366789823859571513219254531027169992128148970368141689347218477960688488889381043306928478910654055670871860758285321000785892204770722832957125300871731189115474070149436990913613122865741184425057017856746673956219936305142006669188089901611219645212580134720558432607779045770307629659662092678063020282100778863738618794053
> >   public exponent: 65537
> >   Validity: [From: Mon Dec 21 09:36:25 CET 2015,
> >                To: Sat Dec 19 09:36:25 CET 2020]
> >   SerialNumber: [    02874dbe e0acbeed fed6661c a64c1a5a 7afacab3]
> >
> > Certificate Extensions: 8
> > [1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > SubjectKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: F9 9F 92 03 40 70 37 E1   21 03 40 B7 CF 92 66 1E  ....@p7.!.@...f.
> > 0010: 40 BB 62 3D                                        @.b=
> > ]
> > ]
> >
> > [2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: 3E 02 D3 0E 09 89 66 80   D6 CE 3D BD B3 E8 6B 06  >.....f...=...k.
> > 0010: 4D FB 1F E8                                        M...
> > ]
> > ]
> >
> >
> >
> > [5]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > CertificatePolicies [
> >   [CertificatePolicyId: []
> > [PolicyQualifierInfo: [
> >   qualifierID:
> >
> > ]]  ]
> > ]
> >
> > [6]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > ExtendedKeyUsages [
> >   serverAuth
> >   clientAuth
> > ]
> >
> > [7]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > KeyUsage [
> >   DigitalSignature
> >   Key_Encipherment
> > ]
> >
> > [8]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > BasicConstraints:[
> >   CA:false
> >   PathLen: undefined
> > ]
> >
> > ]
> >   Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
> >   Signature:
> > 0000: 3E C7 16 01 08 07 A9 5D   DB B4 75 49 69 08 31 7C  >......]..uIi.1.
> > 0010: C1 D6 BA FF D8 C1 D8 A6   57 63 A1 81 0D A2 6A 34  ........Wc....j4
> > 0020: E6 87 FE 90 B6 0F 26 A0   42 33 3D ED DD 70 26 66  ......&.B3=..p&f
> > 0030: 17 B1 17 EA EF 09 66 62   3A 11 D3 25 EE 89 6D 31  ......fb:..%..m1
> > 0040: 6C A4 B8 91 80 1C 79 91   73 EE 56 34 8C 37 55 2D  l.....y.s.V4.7U-
> > 0050: 8D 2D 81 85 08 FB 30 23   5B 13 F1 80 1F 94 01 C6  .-....0#[.......
> > 0060: 06 54 18 0D 23 5C 81 DD   E9 49 B8 2F 92 4E F6 7D  .T..#\...I./.N..
> > 0070: 1C 40 3C BC 9C 49 4A 8D   E4 6D AE E3 54 AB 37 41  .@<..IJ..m..T.7A
> > 0080: 32 6B FB 3E AF E6 F2 E0   D2 A3 13 FE 3A 22 CD 96  2k.>........:"..
> > 0090: 1C 57 5E 6D D1 9A 6F FB   E5 D0 4B 78 03 9B 9B 72  .W^m..o...Kx...r
> > 00A0: D6 3D C0 9B C6 1F BE 5F   BE D5 2A BC 00 8D 1E 13  .=....._..*.....
> > 00B0: 36 4C 44 34 3E DC 91 C4   67 52 F1 99 7D 89 E5 C5  6LD4>...gR......
> > 00C0: 5D 79 5B 42 7B 7A B2 A0   2F B2 E2 E2 99 3F 4E 04  ]y[B.z../....?N.
> > 00D0: 5A B6 A4 3C AE 87 56 9C   FE 5B 3F ED FF F2 BE 08  Z..<..V..[?.....
> > 00E0: 41 58 DA B4 D6 4F 07 32   88 D4 D6 6A 04 1C B2 19  AX...O.2...j....
> > 00F0: F0 81 30 AC E2 5E 2C 0E   0F 74 6A C0 BC FB 69 DB  ..0..^,
> >
> > ]
> > chain [1] = [
> > [
> >   Version: V3
> >   Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
> >
> >   Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
> >   modulus:
> >
> 23685449346636254113318482276084164413142659128854840768942299321394737954429404041178982324865695117167644018417883581908233203579929203355300083199684335004614938545242569388045531266139551139698752265906641239103053753508150098341066869942096076637302674285245424370887581365416303221958867497942591863181826678560003462060721438125193410845079392111581138356698326573169063018854406482435149809422648652665032866828788516533912173295765680040317214661126351524350664638926446785305292195063434557398232762659224147517738967351528085297919255392228217167623372168681060913024661959907781707469719652431729393063281
> >   public exponent: 65537
> >   Validity: [From: Tue Sep 05 14:54:01 CEST 2006,
> >                To: Sat Sep 05 14:54:01 CEST 2026]
> >   SerialNumber: [    02]
> >
> > Certificate Extensions: 6
> > [1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > SubjectKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: 3E 02 D3 0E 09 89 66 80   D6 CE 3D BD B3 E8 6B 06  >.....f...=...k.
> > 0010: 4D FB 1F E8                                        M...
> > ]
> > ]
> >
> > [2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: 1A 92 53 C8 CF 33 1B B6   F2 A5 60 7D E2 AF 24 12  ..S..3....`...$.
> > 0010: 41 B0 9A 60                                        A..`
> > ]
> > SerialNumber: [    00]
> > ]
> >
> > [3]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > CRLDistributionPoints [
> >   [DistributionPoint:
> > , DistributionPoint:
> > ]]
> >
> > [4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > CertificatePolicies [
> >   [CertificatePolicyId: []
> > []  ]
> > ]
> >
> > [5]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > KeyUsage [
> >   Key_CertSign
> >   Crl_Sign
> > ]
> >
> > [6]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > BasicConstraints:[
> >   CA:true
> >   PathLen:2147483647
> > ]
> >
> > ]
> >   Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
> >   Signature:
> > 0000: 3C 67 21 20 61 BE AE 2D   FF F5 1B CD 11 BB 59 EB  <g! a..-......Y.
> > 0010: 45 A2 08 C2 EC E6 5C 09   C7 64 D5 A7 A1 70 5C 7F  E.....\..d...p\.
> > 0020: 04 11 7F DF C1 F3 51 DE   B9 4F 0D 70 BB F5 EA FD  ......Q..O.p....
> > 0030: C4 50 51 D5 3A 9B 15 50   F9 F8 D0 37 B9 44 51 A8  .PQ.:..P...7.DQ.
> > 0040: 7E D8 E2 C2 AB C9 21 88   5D B9 18 65 A5 D4 9B CD  ......!.]..e....
> > 0050: AB E9 C9 93 89 61 96 D8   4B 1C D9 7D FD 30 5A 78  .....a..K....0Zx
> > 0060: 2E B5 91 5E BA 39 27 0A   18 92 BD 39 4A 8E 65 73  ...^.9'
> > 0070: F8 0E 06 F0 52 66 D3 09   BA D0 94 3D 20 70 CA 94  ....Rf.....= p..
> > 0080: B2 E9 E6 A9 12 31 DD 41   94 5C DE F5 CD 9E 3C 62  .....1.A.\....<b
> > 0090: 4E 40 CE B5 82 02 A2 A5   A5 C9 BE 06 FE 6D 30 8B  N@
> ...........m0.
> > 00A0: 16 62 B7 05 F9 1D FA 73   6C AC 3F D9 EC EB 20 59 Y
> > 00B0: DF CE 5A 82 B8 A5 4F C2   03 58 1A CB 35 98 23 D4  ..Z...O..X..5.#.
> > 00C0: 99 D1 D0 81 B1 14 C8 D3   DE E0 7A 73 75 68 37 C5  ..........zsuh7.
> > 00D0: 35 D5 85 A1 E0 4F CB E0   58 73 2E 41 09 CA 78 C2  5....O..Xs.A..x.
> > 00E0: AB 8E B6 47 D7 40 61 3A   8C 4E E2 A8 CB 96 69 73  ...G.@a
> > 00F0: 99 1E 43 A5 38 26 A3 5E   D9 78 5B 6F C6 B5 82 4D  ..C.8&.^.x[o...M
> >
> > ]
> > chain [2] = [
> > [
> >   Version: V3
> >   Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
> >
> >   Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
> >   modulus:
> >
> 22730338784357731088235141180073007236874069855027657431822718680660623728201654654164114619832400514153780125739988781893743587466249379265671653538535573734335247591284140150677069330432768954634595887439793988767531901825776673765978129048121101449477434181587805952586921587129053300510415556884016650154851331836045323120976608670411166944125184043955587823348992637812379494139041430401045487015317539734292873877949155262125328474609840418150077877943215369744783079540426109850783788767568661560895345677216761496676639780835537794338582360145380017192777189913636450903958093243308046107268155241898183491513
> >   public exponent: 65537
> >   Validity: [From: Mon Nov 14 13:34:06 CET 2005,
> >                To: Wed Nov 14 13:34:06 CET 2035]
> >   SerialNumber: [    00]
> >
> > Certificate Extensions: 5
> > [1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > SubjectKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: 1A 92 53 C8 CF 33 1B B6   F2 A5 60 7D E2 AF 24 12  ..S..3....`...$.
> > 0010: 41 B0 9A 60                                        A..`
> > ]
> > ]
> >
> > [2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
> > KeyIdentifier [
> > 0000: 1A 92 53 C8 CF 33 1B B6   F2 A5 60 7D E2 AF 24 12  ..S..3....`...$.
> > 0010: 41 B0 9A 60                                        A..`
> > ]
> > ]
> >
> > [3]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
> > CertificatePolicies [
> >   [CertificatePolicyId: []
> > []  ]
> > ]
> >
> > [4]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > KeyUsage [
> >   Key_CertSign
> >   Crl_Sign
> > ]
> >
> > [5]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
> > BasicConstraints:[
> >   CA:true
> >   PathLen:2147483647
> > ]
> >
> > ]
> >   Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
> >   Signature:
> > 0000: 83 11 CE 19 0C 81 5E 69   00 13 15 CF 03 3A 2B A7  ......^i.....:+.
> > 0010: 87 EF 3D 92 12 F3 71 60   AB 57 FE FB 13 7C C6 A4  ..=...q`.W......
> > 0020: D2 C8 87 E8 27 B3 9A D2   7D 69 7C A6 51 9D 9F 2D  ....'....i..Q..-
> > 0030: E6 56 F3 27 EF 90 07 E7   FF 43 2E 0F B9 DB B1 55  .V.'.....C.....U
> > 0040: B7 C4 64 B8 E7 0F BF 49   6C 25 A4 F0 C2 BF 5C D3  ..d....Il%....\.
> > 0050: B4 56 D7 DE D6 1F 01 4C   90 4A 09 3B 93 BD 32 D1  .V.....L.J.;..2.
> > 0060: 7C D2 40 AA 9B DE 83 72   21 27 02 DF 0B 46 50 BA  ..@....r!'...FP.
> > 0070: 33 64 D7 1B 98 5E AA D3   B1 A6 CF 0A AB 21 E9 0E  3d...^.......!..
> > 0080: 3B 6F D9 21 76 0D 04 8C   B5 57 D7 12 EA CF 64 56  ;o.!v....W....dV
> > 0090: C4 B4 46 9E CB 7E B8 B6   9C 4A DE 6D 85 80 0D 92  ..F......J.m....
> > 00A0: 45 96 3C E7 6E 08 B3 C1   68 9D 29 A0 EA 54 B0 F3  E.<.n...h.)..T..
> > 00B0: 06 3F 3F 42 D5 C2 B3 B4   AE 92 42 4F 28 BC 04 9B  .??B......BO(...
> > 00C0: 99 E4 27 71 7F 98 94 CA   CC D4 70 33 C9 68 10 D3  ..'q......p3.h..
> > 00D0: 9F 0F E9 ED 51 CE 95 2E   D7 5A 53 41 9A 21 56 C0  ....Q....ZSA.!V.
> > 00E0: 18 65 6D 9B B5 01 AF A3   A6 14 49 AD C2 7F 7F CC  .em.......I.....
> > 00F0: 14 0F B7 57 F3 C7 72 CE   C4 6C 55 AB 3B 70 7D DC  ...W..r..lU.;p..
> >
> > ]
> > ***
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 333
> > *** ECDH ServerKeyExchange
> > Signature Algorithm SHA512withRSA
> > Server key: Sun EC public key, 256 bits
> >   public x coord:
> >
> 109065528231066402822798953331530470954068422219178140278606586409764400154881
> >   public y coord:
> >
> 72659084421294274894543740718930276936577534240977171668665811399977128870348
> >   parameters: secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1]
> (1.2.840.10045.3.1.7)
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 4
> > *** ServerHelloDone
> > *** ECDHClientKeyExchange
> > ECDH Public value:  { 4, 45, 30, 196, 92, 215, 53, 22, 24, 182, 220, 113,
> > 219, 29, 121, 134, 147, 243, 90, 90, 199, 4, 204, 186, 216, 133, 239,
> 192,
> > 176, 7, 46, 156, 37, 32, 96, 32, 147, 70, 54, 56, 143, 243, 192, 170,
> 181,
> > 162, 28, 117, 198, 150, 50, 126, 11, 39, 150, 233, 129, 19, 163, 138,
> 190,
> > 33, 72, 39, 43 }
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 70
> > PreMaster Secret:
> > 0000: FB A8 75 2D 13 31 9A 4B   29 89 58 6D A2 FC 9D 25  ..u-.1.K).Xm...%
> > 0010: CE E7 79 AD FA 4F 80 60   4B C7 E6 11 18 24 0C F2  ..y..O.`K....$..
> > Client Nonce:
> > 0000: 56 E1 25 B5 3B C5 D0 AE   94 F0 B1 CE D4 24 A3 62  V.%.;........$.b
> > 0010: 86 4D B4 56 49 37 1B 66   6A 35 F3 7B B0 C6 C9 7A  .M.VI7.fj5.....z
> > Server Nonce:
> > 0000: A7 AB 2D 04 24 82 55 E1   34 28 B7 37 EE F0 9D 57  ..-.$.U.4(.7...W
> > 0010: FC 15 E7 92 1A A7 8A 5B   BD 43 D0 92 64 51 7C 6A  .......[.C..dQ.j
> > Master Secret:
> > 0000: 87 88 54 F9 82 C7 2E 21   02 2C A7 17 BB 8D F2 23  ..T....!.,.....#
> > 0010: 2F 2F AA D4 F3 2C CF A9   E9 E7 82 2D 72 4F 1A 66  //...,.....-rO.f
> > 0020: CD 53 34 7A C2 F0 0E FD   90 15 C0 2E 39 8D 37 0C  .S4z........9.7.
> > Client MAC write Secret:
> > 0000: 9A 4F EC BA 07 33 75 54   F2 D2 6D 10 60 AD FF AC  .O...3uT..m.`...
> > 0010: 1C BA 28 73                                        ..(s
> > Server MAC write Secret:
> > 0000: E7 3F 23 3E 79 D7 CE AF   82 79 25 4A 22 8D 35 4D  .?#>y....y%J".5M
> > 0010: 95 64 DD 98                                        .d..
> > Client write key:
> > 0000: E9 BC F3 81 59 6F 67 6C   39 28 DC A6 E3 2F F0 1F  ....Yogl9(.../..
> > Server write key:
> > 0000: A4 4E 43 29 2F D7 93 1C   6B 8A 67 F3 8D 09 F3 B7  .NC)/...k.g.....
> > ... no IV derived for this protocol
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
> > *** Finished
> > verify_data:  { 218, 194, 148, 38, 172, 247, 142, 98, 219, 2, 196, 158 }
> > ***
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 64
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 64
> > *** Finished
> > verify_data:  { 116, 137, 85, 218, 196, 105, 218, 92, 137, 68, 37, 197 }
> > ***
> > %% Cached client session: [Session-2, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, setSoTimeout(60000) called
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 432
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, READ: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 5984
> > [DEBUG] org.jclouds.http.okhttp.OkHttpCommandExecutorService - Receiving
> > response -1336091735: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << Connection: close
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 07:43:47 GMT
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << OkHttp-Received-Millis: 1457595830286
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << OkHttp-Selected-Protocol: http/1.1
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << OkHttp-Sent-Millis: 1457595830114
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << Vary: X-Auth-Token
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << Content-Type: application/json
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << Content-Length: 5784
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, called close()
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, called closeInternal(true)
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, SEND TLSv1.2 ALERT:  warning, description =
> > close_notify
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Alert, length = 48
> > http-nio-8080-exec-1, called closeSocket(selfInitiated)
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.wire - << "{"access": {"token": {"issued_at":
> > "2016-03-10T07:43:47.213903", "expires": "2016-03-10T08:43:47Z", "id":
> > "a9c5ec9805ca463db7f52c115a4c5fca", "tenant": {"id":
> > "0acf5d5461eb42beb3dc5fca655b3974", "enabled": true, "name": "ttt",
> > "description": "Project"}, "audit_ids": ["dIMM3o4WQlCGfOSPSXUw2w"]},
> > "serviceCatalog": [{"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";,
> "region":
> > "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> > "a733ca310f044dbe8a11af9da9e41aea", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8774/v2/0acf5d5461eb42beb3dc5fca655b3974"}],
> "endpoints_links":
> > [], "type": "compute", "name": "nova"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id": "116d516a5c234ee0a40a28fe7458dc21",
> > "publicURL": "https://ow:9696/"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> "network",
> > "name": "neutron"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";,
> "region":
> > "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> > "558ab7970ebd48d89b4ee7116f9812ba", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8776/v2/0acf5d5461eb42beb3dc5fca655b3974"}],
> "endpoints_links":
> > [], "type": "volumev2", "name": "cinderv2"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id": "0775aefe089744fc89044ab90f0b8d61",
> > "publicURL": "https://ow:9292"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> "image",
> > "name": "glance"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL": "
> ",
> > "region": "RegionOne", "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "181a3c63d76d4ecebc63669f3cd92a57", "publicURL": "https://ow:8777"}],
> > "endpoints_links": [], "type": "metering", "name": "ceilometer"},
> > {"endpoints": [{"adminURL": "";, "region":
> > "RegionOne", "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "0d1b7106b6864a3fa1f8524f890bfa54", "publicURL": "https://ow:8000/v1/
> "}],
> > "endpoints_links": [], "type": "cloudformation", "name": "heat-cfn"},
> > {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";,
> "region":
> > "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> > "13b643d4d41a4b9698d4b5e6dd05a438", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8776/v1/0acf5d5461eb42beb3dc5fca655b3974"}],
> "endpoints_links":
> > [], "type": "volume", "name": "cinder"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne",
> > "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "0c8b8fc298e24942814c4997426e1230", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:12347/graphix/api/v1.0"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> > "graphix", "name": "graphix"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "http://owl:8080/render";, "region": "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "http://owl:8080/render";, "id": "0953e3b523614af0ad9c18d4f948b9e0",
> > "publicURL": "https://owl:8080/render"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> > "metering-graph", "name": "metering-graph"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne",
> > "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "93a96fa3cf7845608fcf642258f66d95", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8773/services/Cloud"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> "ec2",
> > "name": "nova_ec2"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";,
> "region":
> > "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> > "4f7b25b00a6244fd8e29ef83959e62f1", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8004/v1/0acf5d5461eb42beb3dc5fca655b3974"}],
> "endpoints_links":
> > [], "type": "orchestration", "name": "heat"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region":
> "RegionOne",
> > "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "5bf5bd405fcf4f438411ea391ba129ab", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:23456/rules-engine/api/v1.0"}], "endpoints_links": [],
> "type":
> > "rules-engine", "name": "rules-engine"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne",
> "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> > "64c562a05ad5486aa1580a260fa7241c", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:8080/swift/v1"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> "object-store",
> > "name": "swift"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne",
> > "internalURL": "";, "id":
> > "72394ca4518d4f2099dd77ef53170766", "publicURL":
> > "https://ow:12345/ow-module/api/v1.0"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> > "ow", "name": "ow"}, {"endpoints": [{"adminURL":
> > "";, "region": "RegionOne", "internalURL":
> > "";, "id":
> "286f7cc2ee5349308e4624498f6f7125",
> > "publicURL": "https://ow:5000/v2.0"}], "endpoints_links": [], "type":
> > "identity", "name": "keystone"}], "user": {"username": "uuu",
> "roles_links":
> > [], "id": "b723bf3c38f248fcbb7ea98d81cb1b61", "roles": [{"name":
> > "heat_stack_owner"}, {"name": "_member_"}], "name": "uuu"}, "metadata":
> > {"is_admin": 0, "roles": ["2c5cb4420a61422d8073e7cecb8d3833",
> > "9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab"]}}}"
> > [DEBUG]
> >
> org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.suppliers.RegionIdToAdminURIFromAccessForTypeAndVersion
> > - endpoints for apiType identity and version 2.0:
> > {RegionOne=[Endpoint{id=286f7cc2ee5349308e4624498f6f7125,
> region=RegionOne,
> > publicURL=https://ow:5000/v2.0, internalURL=
> > adminURL=}]}
> > [DEBUG] - Loading class
> > org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.filters.AuthenticateRequest FastClass
> > with sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7b7072
> > [DEBUG] - Loading class
> > org.jclouds.Fallbacks$NullOnNotFoundOr404 FastClass with
> > sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7b7072
> > [DEBUG] - >> invoking
> token:get
> > [DEBUG] org.jclouds.http.okhttp.OkHttpCommandExecutorService - Sending
> > request 1787367588: GET
> >
> > HTTP/1.1
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> GET
> >
> > HTTP/1.1
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> Accept: application/json
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - >> X-Auth-Token:
> a9c5ec9805ca463db7f52c115a4c5fca
> > [DEBUG] org.jclouds.http.okhttp.OkHttpCommandExecutorService - Receiving
> > response 1787367588: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
> > [DEBUG] jclouds.headers - << HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
> >
> >
> > 2016-03-09 22:25 GMT+01:00 Ignasi Barrera <>:
> >>
> >> Could you enable the "jclouds.wire" logger [1] to see the response
> >> you're getting from Keystone? By default jclouds should pick the
> >> publicURL, so let's double check how keystone is returning the
> >> endpoints.
> >>
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >> On 9 March 2016 at 19:17, Mop Sophia <> wrote:
> >> > Here are the modules used :
> >> >
> >> >         Module tlsModule = new AbstractModule() {
> >> >            @Override protected void configure() {
> >> >
> >> > bind(OkHttpClientSupplier.class).to(TLSOkHttpClientSupplier.class);
> >> >            }
> >> >         };
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >         Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new
> >> > SLF4JLoggingModule(),tlsModule, new
> >> > OkHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule());
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 2016-03-09 18:47 GMT+01:00 Ignasi Barrera <>:
> >> >>
> >> >> Yes there is, but if I'm not wrong the jclouds default is to use the
> >> >> public url and fallback to the internal one. Do you have any special
> >> >> Guice
> >> >> module configuration?
> >> >>
> >> >> El 9/3/2016 5:36 p. m., "Mop Sophia" <> escribió:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Thanks Ignasi, it's ok when using the proxy properties (it was the
> way
> >> >>> I
> >> >>> was using before going to okhttp)
> >> >>>
> >> >>> In fact, the issue is the connection to the service on this
> platform.
> >> >>> The
> >> >>> login using keystone is ok, but the use of service fails :(
> >> >>> It seems JClouds uses the adminURL, I would like to use publicURL, I
> >> >>> don't if there is something configure it...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> My case is to check a tenant witth this code :
> >> >>>             keystoneApi = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider)
> >> >>>                   .endpoint(endpoint)
> >> >>>                   .credentials(identity, password)
> >> >>>                   .modules(modules)
> >> >>>                   .overrides(overrides)
> >> >>>                   .buildApi(KeystoneApi.class);
> >> >>>
> >> >>>             // Request Openstack Keystone to validate the token
> >> >>>             Token token =
> >> >>> keystoneApi.getTokenApi().get().get(authToken);
> >> >>>             // Fails because JClouds get the adminUrl of keystone to
> >> >>> make
> >> >>> the request
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Regards,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Stéphane
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> 2016-03-09 13:32 GMT+01:00 Ignasi Barrera <>:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Don't configure the proxy in the client supplier. Just configure it
> >> >>>> the "standard jclouds way", by configuring the proxy properties as
> >> >>>> "overrides" when creating the context:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> On 9 March 2016 at 13:18, Mop Sophia <> wrote:
> >> >>>> > Hi,
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> > Thanks for this code Ignasi, but it seems the client
> configuration
> >> >>>> > is
> >> >>>> > not
> >> >>>> > used, because the client tries a direct connection without proxy
> :(
> >> >>>> > Here is my code :
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >     public static class TLSOkHttpClientSupplier implements
> >> >>>> > OkHttpClientSupplier {
> >> >>>> >        @Override public OkHttpClient get() {
> >> >>>> >           OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
> >> >>>> >           ConnectionSpec tlsSpec =
> >> >>>> >               new
> ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)
> >> >>>> >              .tlsVersions(TlsVersion.TLS_1_1, TlsVersion.TLS_1_2)
> >> >>>> >              .build();
> >> >>>> >           ConnectionSpec cleartextSpec =
> >> >>>> >              new
> >> >>>> > ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT).build();
> >> >>>> >           client.setConnectionSpecs(ImmutableList.of(tlsSpec,
> >> >>>> > cleartextSpec));
> >> >>>> >           client.setProxy(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new
> >> >>>> > InetSocketAddress("", 8080)));
> >> >>>> >           return client;
> >> >>>> >        }
> >> >>>> >     }
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >         Module tlsModule = new AbstractModule() {
> >> >>>> >            @Override protected void configure() {
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> bind(OkHttpClientSupplier.class).to(TLSOkHttpClientSupplier.class);
> >> >>>> >            }
> >> >>>> >         };
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >         Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new
> >> >>>> > SLF4JLoggingModule(),tlsModule, new
> >> >>>> > OkHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule());
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >             Properties overrides = new Properties();
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_LOGGER_WIRE_LOG_SENSITIVE_INFO,
> >> >>>> > true + "");
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >             keystoneApi = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider)
> >> >>>> >                   .endpoint(endpoint)
> >> >>>> >                   .credentials(identity, password)
> >> >>>> >                   .modules(modules)
> >> >>>> >                   .overrides(overrides)
> >> >>>> >                   .buildApi(KeystoneApi.class);
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> > Any idea of my mistake ?
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> > Regards,
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> > Stéphane
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> > 2016-03-05 1:28 GMT+01:00 Ignasi Barrera <>:
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> Hi!
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> Andrew's link will provide you the context you need.
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> I don't know if there is a proper way of configuring this using
> >> >>>> >> the
> >> >>>> >> default HTTP driver, but here is a specific example using the
> >> >>>> >> OkHttp
> >> >>>> >> one:
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> First you will need to create an OkHttpClientSupplier that
> creates
> >> >>>> >> the
> >> >>>> >> http client with the desired connection configuration:
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> public class TLSOkHttpClientSupplier implements
> >> >>>> >> OkHttpClientSupplier
> >> >>>> >> {
> >> >>>> >>    @Override public OkHttpClient get() {
> >> >>>> >>       OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
> >> >>>> >>       ConnectionSpec tlsSpec =
> >> >>>> >>           new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)
> >> >>>> >>          .tlsVersions(TlsVersion.TLS_1_1, TlsVersion.TLS_1_2)
> >> >>>> >>          .build();
> >> >>>> >>       ConnectionSpec cleartextSpec =
> >> >>>> >>          new
> >> >>>> >> ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT).build();
> >> >>>> >>       client.setConnectionSpecs(ImmutableList.of(tlsSpec,
> >> >>>> >> cleartextSpec));
> >> >>>> >>       return client;
> >> >>>> >>    }
> >> >>>> >> }
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> Once you have the class that will create the OkHttpClient you
> just
> >> >>>> >> have to inject it in the Guice context and configure the OkHttp
> >> >>>> >> driver
> >> >>>> >> to be used to manage the HTTP connections. Both things are
> >> >>>> >> achieved
> >> >>>> >> by
> >> >>>> >> providing additional modules when creating the context:
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> // Create a Guice module that will bind your supplier
> >> >>>> >> implementation
> >> >>>> >> // to the injection context
> >> >>>> >> Module tlsModule = new AbstractModule() {
> >> >>>> >>    @Override protected void configure() {
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >>
> bind(OkHttpClientSupplier.class).to(TLSOkHttpClientSupplier.class);
> >> >>>> >>    }
> >> >>>> >> };
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> // Create the context loading the OkHttpDriver and your custom
> >> >>>> >> module
> >> >>>> >> ContextBuilder.newBuilder("provider")
> >> >>>> >>    .modules(ImmutableSet.of(tlsModule,
> >> >>>> >>       new OkHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule()))
> >> >>>> >>    .build()
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> Note than in order to use the OkHttp driver you'll have to add
> the
> >> >>>> >> "org.apache.jclouds.driver/jclouds-okhttp" dependency to your
> >> >>>> >> pom.xml.
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> HTH!
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> I.
> >> >>>> >>
> >> >>>> >> On 4 March 2016 at 22:23, Andrew Phillips <>
> >> >>>> >> wrote:
> >> >>>> >> > Hi Stéphane
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> >> Any idea of code to configure my http client with TLSv1.1 or
> >> >>>> >> >> TLSv1.2
> >> >>>> >> >> instead of TLSv1.0, please ?
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> > The following blog post doesn't provide a step-by-step
> solution,
> >> >>>> >> > but
> >> >>>> >> > should
> >> >>>> >> > hopefully help:
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> > Regards
> >> >>>> >> >
> >> >>>> >> > ap
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>> >
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >
> >
> >

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