Why don't you use the rackspace-cloudfiles-us provider which sets up
authentication for you?

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:30:14PM +0000, Paya, Ashkan wrote:
> Hello,
> We want to verify access to our openstack-swift account under Rackspace via 
> “apiAccessKeyCredential” keystone authentication type. Our credentials are 
> valid and we can issue the following curl command successfully and receive 
> tokenId, tenant name and Id and etc.
>   *   curl https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tokens  \
>      *       -X POST \
>      *       -d 
> '{"auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"username”:”${USER}","apiKey":”${APIKEY}"}}}'
>  \
>      *       -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -m json.tool
> Now, when we configure our BlobStoreContext object using the same parameters 
> (endpoint, keystone auth type and etc) and trying to get the 
> RegionScopedBlobStoreContext form it, we receive the following response:
>   *   Failed in command: …., org.jclouds.http.HttpResponseException: command: 
> POST https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1 failed with 
> response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request; content: 
> [{"badRequest":{"code":400,"message":"Invalid json request body"}}]
> In which they explain 400 as “Missing required parameters. This error also 
> occurs if you include both the tenant name and ID in the request.”. Has 
> anyone else experienced the same scenario or have some insight to share?
> Thank you,
> Ashkan

Andrew Gaul

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