
The example has been updated accordingly:

Will keep track on when it breaks the next time :-)


On 06/23/2010 09:55 AM, Tobias Ivarsson wrote:
> It should use the factory methods in TraversalFactory instead.
> How come we exposed DefaultExpander to begin with? Wasn't that class just
> supposed to be an implementation detail?
> The fact that it had the weird behavior of expanding all RelationshipTypes
> when it was empty turns on the "implementation detail" warning light for me.
> I'm working on refactoring the new traversal framework, so expect things to
> change (and break) more. It's good that you report this though, since
> examples should be updated to match the "best practices". The new traversal
> API is after all not stable yet (since 1.1 has not been released), but
> I apologize for the inconvenience anyhow.
> Cheers,
> Tobias
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Paddy<paddyf...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> DefaultExpander.java was removed from the latest build
>> https://trac.neo4j.org/changeset/4590
>> How can i get the example from github working without the DefaultExpander ?
>> http://github.com/neo4j-examples/java-astar-routing
>> DefaultExpander relExpander = new DefaultExpander();
>> relExpander.add( RelationshipTypes.ROAD, Direction.BOTH );
>> AStar sp = new AStar( graphDb, relExpander, costEval, estimateEval );
>> Path path = sp.findSinglePath( NYC.getUnderlyingNode(),
>>   SF.getUnderlyingNode() );
>> thanks
>> Paddy
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