Hello fellow graphistas!

It's been 3 whole months and 5 tantalizing milestones since our last major 
release, and now we're proud to announce that Neo4j 1.3 has been released for 
general availability (GA).

While there are a whole bunch of new features and improvements included in the 
new release (and described on our blog posting 
http://blog.neo4j.org/2011/04/neo4j-13-abisko-lampa-released.html), perhaps the 
most striking feature of 1.3 is that it marks a new product direction for the 
database, being split into Community, Advanced, and Enterprise editions, with 
some radial and progressive license changes to boot: 

- Community edition is now licensed under the GPL. Our community and customers 
now have the right to run any number of Neo4j Community edition instances for 
whatever purpose they like at no charge. This means for most of our community, 
Neo4j is completely free to use with no strings attached!
- Advanced edition is licensed under a dual AGPL/commercial arrangement. Where 
you have greater needs around managing Neo4j instances or production support, 
this is the right product for you.
-  Enterprise edition is also licensed under a dual AGPL/commercial 
arrangement. Where you need high availability, and more production support this 
is the right product for you.

Note that since Advanced and Enterprise editions are dual licensed under the 
AGPL or a commercial license, you can continue to be free and open source, or 
choose a commercial license that meets your needs.

In terms of features we've rolled together all of the improvements that we've 
been releasing as part of our milestones. For instance we've upped the database 
limits to 32 billion nodes, and 64 billion relationships, while at the same 
time being able to compact the footprint on disk. On the operational side, 
we've wrapped the database in a brand new visualization tool that ships by 
default with each version inside the Webadmin tool. Now exploring your graph is 
just a click away, and we think it looks super too!

None of this would have been possible without the support of our community. 
Every day we're amazed at the enthusiasm and insight you bring to the mailing 
list, Twitter, and blogs. We hope this release powers you on even further. And 
by way of thanks and giving back to our awesome community, we're running 
release parties around the planet. If you're in or near Athens, Berlin, 
Copenhagen, London, Stockholm, or Washington  DC, then check out the release 
parties schedule at 

Until next time, stay connected!


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