Hi Michael,

The error message is incorrect. Or more accurately, it is one in a set of error messages and the Eclipse UI is only showing you this one. The root cause of the installation failure is being hidden due to an Eclipse bug.

I'm not sure what is already installed in your Eclipse, so it is difficult for me to diagnose this.

Anyhow, a couple of thoughts.

First, make sure that "Include items that are already installed" is not checked on the first screen.

Then, only select M2Eclipse in the tree. The eclipse update manager will automatically install any needed dependencies, you don't need to check them.

Alternatively, if you don't mind starting with a clean Eclipse, the following should work:

1) Add the following update sites:

2) Check only the "M2Eclipse" tree.

3) Hit "Install..."

Rich Seddon

On Mar 12, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Michael K. Craghead wrote:


I just tried the update one more time, only requesting that it install m2eclipse and I only get that one error that I described previously. It doesn't seem to complain about any plugin dependencies, only not being able to find a solution for org.eclipse.ui. Why is it not finding the user interface module (I assume that's what UI stands for)? I obviously have a user interface.

Michael K. Craghead

From: Michael K. Craghead <mcragh...@yahoo.com>
To: user@m2eclipse.codehaus.org
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 4:41:06 PM
Subject: Re: [m2eclipse-user] Trouble Installing m2eclipse

I guess I wasn't clear in my explination of the events. That's exactly what I've been doing. I started with the first error message about having a newer version of AJDT Source than was being requested. I unchecked that option. The list updated again. Then the top message was pretty much the same for JDT Weaving, so I unchecked it too. There were two seperate messages about Subclipse already having been installed, so updates would be done instead. I unchecked both of those even though it would have done the update. The only error left in the list is, "Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse.ui [3.4.2.M20090204-0800]". I don't understand the reason for this error message based on what I see in my configuration details: org.eclipse.ui (3.4.2 M20090204-0800) "Eclipse UI" [Active].

Michael K. Craghead

From: Richard Seddon <rsed...@sonatype.com>
To: user@m2eclipse.codehaus.org
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 4:26:11 PM
Subject: Re: [m2eclipse-user] Trouble Installing m2eclipse

Hi Michael,

Sometimes people don't notice that there is a vertical scrollbar in the error message window. It's pretty small. Sometimes a useful message is hiding below.

But unfortunately, often times the error messages that come from the Eclipse update manager are not useful at all.

Anyhow, we need to narrow this down.

After the install fails you will be asked if you will be asked if you want to review the selection. Say "yes", and then you can uncheck features until the error messages go away.

I would start with "AJDT" and "subclipse integration", since they are the most common culprits.

Rich Seddon
Sonatype (the Maven Company)

On Mar 12, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Michael K. Craghead wrote:

I just looked at my configuration details and I see, org.eclipse.ui (3.4.2 M20090204-0800) "Eclipse UI" [Active], in the file. Shouldn't that mean that the 'solution' that the update manager is complaining about is actually there?

Michael K. Craghead

From: Michael K. Craghead <mcragh...@yahoo.com>
To: user@m2eclipse.codehaus.org
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:45:27 PM
Subject: Re: [m2eclipse-user] Trouble Installing m2eclipse

Thanks, but I'm still getting errors. I already had a later version of AJDT source code, so I had to uncheck that. The same was true for JDT weaving, so I unchecked that as well. There were several items that it said were alread installed but would do an update instead. However the "Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse.ui [3.4.2.M20090204-0800]" error is still there.

Yes, it's Eclipse version 3.4.2, build M20090211-1700.

Michael K. Craghead

From: Richard Seddon <rsed...@sonatype.com>
To: user@m2eclipse.codehaus.org
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:20:36 PM
Subject: Re: [m2eclipse-user] Trouble Installing m2eclipse

Hi Michael,

Are you attempting to install into Eclipse 3.4?

The error messages from the Eclipse update manager are less than helpful (to say the least).

If you add the following two update sites (in addition to the M2Eclipse update site) then you should be able to install all of the M2E plugins in one go:


Rich Seddon

Sonatype (the Maven Company)

On Mar 12, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Michael K. Craghead wrote:

I have upgraded to the latest Eclipse version for JEE before attempting the plugin install. I was using the directions in the M:DG book and tried to install all of the dependencies, including the optional ones, but no luck. Lots of errors about no support for 'xyz', etc. and errors for no repositories found for 'abc'. To try and get around that I attempted to do each of the dependencies one by one. If I got errors on the optionals I left them out. I believe I correctly have all of the dependencies that were listed. I've even taken out the optional stuff from m2eclipse install and eliminated any errors that I was getting because something was already installed. I'm down to my last error: Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse.ui [3.4.2.M20090204-0800]. I'm relatively new to Eclipse so I'm not sure what that means, but to me it looks like it's something that should have been included in my Eclipse download. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this? Thanks.

Michael K. Craghead

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