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Hi all,

due to some changes of the Hosting rules of Nathan, I have to move the IRC
Daemon off Nathan. Unfortnualety, I do no longer have access to the
midgard-project.org DNS administration, which means, that I cannot change the
DNS references to irc.midgard-project.org.

This will mean that until we can change that, the address
irc.midgard-project.org will *no longer be reachable*. You need to use
irc.nehmer.net instead from now on.

Chanserv, Nickserv etc. will stay unchanged, but the IP Address of the server
will change. So if you can no longer connect, you need to either flush your
local DNS caches or wait for the timeout to occur (should be < 24 h).

I will shut down the original Server on Nathan during this afternoon, so don't
wonder if you get kicked out of the server all of the sudden.

Live long and Prosper!
Torben Nehmer

- --
Torben Nehmer, Guenzburg, Bavaria, Germany
http://www.nathan-syntronics.de, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Public Key: https://www.link-m.de/pgp/t.nehmer.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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