Sorry subject incorrect

I try to initializate MidCOM after create a page in a wizard and this message
comes. I try everything...

MidCOM Site Initialization

This tool creates the required data structures for using MidCOM with your
website. Click the "Initialize" button until all items in the table show "OK".

Trying to initialize MidCOM site data correctly

midcom_site root topic not found

Failed to create midcom_site root topic, reason Name exists

midcom_site AIS topic not found

Failed to create midcom_site AIS topic, reason Name exists
Module        Status        Details
Root topic         FAIL         Topic midcom_site root topic not found
Root topic component         FAIL         Parameter midcom_site root topic
component not found
AIS topic         FAIL         Topic midcom_site AIS topic not found
AIS topic components         FAIL         Parameter midcom_site AIS topic
component not found
Localization topic         FAIL        
Localization topic component         FAIL    

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