On Feb 5, 2007, at 8:51 AM, Chris Howe wrote:

--- "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At some point we definitely plan to have various sub-projects that
are managed somewhat independently of the core of OFBiz (and even
split the core into framework and core applications projects). I
think we have a ways to go to get there, and getting each started
will require a fair amount of administrative overhead, so my guess is
that it will take some calendar time and a lot of volunteer hours to
get to that point.

I think there's quite a bit of interest and at least a few volunteers
in the area of modularizing the apps (seems to have already been done
for the most part with modularizing the framework from the apps).
Would you mind sharing your views on a roadmap for this that will spark
discussion so that those interested are better tempted to put their
efforts in an area that will benefit the community in addition to their
personal interests?  Thanks!

The eventual project structure that I am imagining, and that has been discussed on and off over time, would include a main OFBiz project with the following sub-projects:

1. OFBiz Framework (the framework/ directory, and the stuff in the ofbiz.home/root directory)
2. OFBiz Core Applications (the applications/ directory)
3. OFBiz SP: POS (specialpurpose/pos/)
4. OFBiz SP: Asset Maintenance (specialpurpose/assetmaint/)
5. OFBiz SP: Handheld Facility/Warehouse App (specialpurpose/hhfacility)
6. OFBiz SP: other future special purpose apps derived from the "Core Applications"

It is conceivable (or likely) that even the current ecommerce component will move into the special purpose category (and directory) at some point.

To help draw the line between Core versus Special Purpose, and on a more controversial topic using an example from outside of OFBiz, something like the OpenSourceStrategies "financials" component would be part of #2 (the Core Applications), and something like their crmsfa application would be in #6, ie a special purpose app derived from other Core Applications.


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