I'm not sure what kind of mail list software apache uses on their backend, but it sounds like they need to implement a feature equivalent to one that mailman has:
(Administrivia filter) Check postings and intercept ones that seem to be administrative requests? - If you activate this feature Mailman will check traffic for administrative requests that have inadvertently been sent to the list. This will prevent the classic case of a user sending a note to the entire list membership saying "unsubscribe."


David E Jones wrote:

Except that junk mail filtered messages are often not bounced... so the server would never know, and the user either.


On Nov 23, 2007, at 4:20 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

one of the list servers I am on sends out a ping message, something
similar to the ezmlm warning on our ml
it if bounces it tries one more time then removes the email from the list.
this would take care of emails that can not be accessed by the user.

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 11/23/2007 2:24 PM:

Thanks for suggestion, I added your comment. I'm a moderator of those lists (or I was since I did not see a message to moderat since 09/14/07. BTW is that normal, even if I prefer it ? ;o) but I don't know (or have the rights) to remove Cahn from the list.

And like David said already many times.Two common problems people run into: 1. sending the message from an email address different from the one subscribed
2. receiving the reply, but having it caught by a junk mail filter

BTW I think it would be fair to actualise the content of http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo


De : "Gavin Bee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Could an admin please remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] manually?

In general pointing to the documentation works. However, in this case it
seems that Cahn is unable to follow the directions on the Mailing Lists

Additionally, the following explicit instructions could be added to the
Mailing Lists page ... "To unsubscribe from any of the following lists, you
need to send an empty, subjectless email to unsubscribe address listed
below. In other words, click the appropriate unsubscribe link below and
press send."

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Le Roux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 23, 2007 9:03 AM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Unsubscribe

De : "Canh Phan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Should there be a way to unsubscribe an email address
from the list. It's been requested many times.


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