For an easier solution try letting the Service Engine take care of it all. For details see the file, which has comments about which libraries you need from OFBiz, and then you can call the OFBiz services remotely and communicate pretty easily that way.

Anyway, that's the way remote communication with other Java programs that know about OFBiz is meant to be done.


On Mar 28, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Cimballi wrote:


I'm trying to use OFBiz and RMI. I configured it using the SUN RMI
implementation to not have to deal with certificates stuff.

My connection is working but I have a problem when I retrieve data.
I'm using the performFindList method, and the problem is, when I iterate over the returned objects and I call a getXxx method, I have this stack
trace :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: [GenericEntity.getDelegator] could not find
delegator with name default

The thing that looks strange to me is that, as returned entities are of type
GenericEntity, it needs all the framework environment to use them.
If there something I do wrong in my RMI call, or is there a way to get
simple beans as return entities, to not have to deal with the framework
stuff ?

For the same reason I have to embed ofbiz-base.jar, ofbiz-entity.jar and
ofbiz-service.jar in my client.



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