Did you update to the latest revision? The util:toIdentifier(String) UEL function was just added to the framework on Sunday.


Rees Watkins wrote:
Hi Adrian

glAccountTotalsProfitMap and glAccountTotalsExpenseMap are empty, but there are 
valid values been set into them.

I logged the following in the loop where entries are made into map
a <log level="info" message="prepareIncomeStatement mapKey ${util:toIdentifier(glAccount.glAccountId)}"/>
b            <log level="info" message="prepareIncomeStatement mapKey 
c            <log level="info" message="prepareIncomeStatement mapKey 

Only b gives a value, a and c are null.

I have spent some time working with your solution but can't seem to be able to 
make progress. I have not been able to find an example in the ofbiz code where 
mapping is used like this.
Any ideas?


From: Adrian Crum <adrian.c...@yahoo.com>
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Sunday, 12 April, 2009 23:13:22
Subject: Re: r755534 breaks balance sheet Income statement


I have a patch for you to try out:


Let me know if it fixes this problem. I can't test it myself because there is 
no demo data to work with.


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