Hi Jacques, I think for the client Raj is using RAP from eclipse - the
following link describes it in a few words: http://www.eclipse.org/rap

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi Raj,
> Could you please explain more the client-side section? Did you use
> something GWT, or?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Raj Saini" <rajsa...@gmail.com>
> To: <user@ofbiz.apache.org>
> Cc: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:27 AM
> Subject: Re: OSGi based OFBiz framework
>  Hi BJ,
>> Purpose of the demo is to show how to:
>> Service side
>> -------------
>> 1. Run OFBiz inside a OFBiz container using OSGi based runtime such as
>> Apache Felix and Eclipse Equinox and reap the benefits of OSGi. You can find
>> about OSGi benefits at this URL http://www.osgi.org/About/WhyOSGi.
>> 2. Make OFBiz more modular that is separating the framework (entity
>> engine, service engine etc) from the applications.
>> 3. Provide remoting capabilities to OFBiz services using OSGi remote
>> services.
>> 4. Use other technologies such as JPA along with OGBiz entity engine.
>> Client side
>> -----------
>> 1. Create Rich applications with the similar capabilities and ease of use
>> of Desktop based applications.
>> 2. Run the single client application either on web or desktop with minimal
>> or no changes to the code.
>> 3. Plug-in based development of application that is, to add new
>> functionality to the application, you do not need access to source code. You
>> can simply create new bundles/plug-ins and they add to the existing
>> application, same as Eclipse Plug-ins.
>> To get the feel of the application, try double clicking on the examples in
>> the left pane. Try editing the example in the right pane. See how changes
>> are populated from one pane to another even without saving the application.
>> Try changing the column width, you will get the same feel as a desktop
>> application. Try emptying the name field and see the validation decoration
>> with a tool tip.
>> Regards,
>> Raj
>> On 16/04/10 13:59, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>> could you explain what I am looking at and what it shows that you
>>> consider important, relative to ofbiz?
>>> =========================
>>> BJ Freeman
>>> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation<
>>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
>>> Specialtymarket.com<http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
>>> Linkedin
>>> <
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
>>> >
>>> Raj Saini sent the following on 4/16/2010 12:37 AM:
>>>> Those who want to peek into running example without installing the
>>>> application, here is the link:
>>>> http://www.viithiisys.com:9999/demo?startup=example
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Raj
>>>> On 16/04/10 01:51, Raj Saini wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have been working on OSGi and OFBiz integration for a while. I could
>>>>> successfully, run the OFBiz framework (entity engine and service
>>>>> engine) as OSGi services. With this integration it is possible to run
>>>>> Framework only OFBiz and use the OFBiz service engine for non form
>>>>> widget applications (e.g. GWT, JSF etc). This should be interesting
>>>>> for people wanting to use the service engine and entity engine.
>>>>> For my experiment I have  Eclipse RAP (http://www.eclipse.org/rap) for
>>>>> presentation layer and ported the part of Example application. My RAP
>>>>> example application is using OFBiz entity engine to fetch some of the
>>>>> data and service engine to create and update the examples.
>>>>> I have uploaded the installable bundle at SF and it is available at
>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/files/osgi-ofbiz.tar.bz2/download
>>>>> Requirements:
>>>>> Platform - Current distribution works only on Linux (x86_64) systems.
>>>>> This restriction is due to the executable including in the
>>>>> distribution. It should be possible to run it using java -jar command
>>>>> but it will need some configuration which is not ready yet.
>>>>> Database - PostgreSQL DB server with database named 'ofbiz' and owned
>>>>> by user 'ofbiz' and password 'ofbiz'.  It is possible to use other
>>>>> databases but there are not JDBC driver bundles yet. Database server
>>>>> must be running on localhost. It is possible to use the server running
>>>>> on other hosts but it will need the change in entityengine.xml.
>>>>> Demo data - OFBiz demo data loaded in the database as I am using
>>>>> example and other related entities in the demo application.
>>>>> Install&  Run:
>>>>> 1. Extract the tar achieve on your hard disk.
>>>>> 2. Change to osgi-ofbiz folder.
>>>>> 3. Execute ./ofbiz -console.
>>>>> 4. point your browser to http://localhost:8080/demo?startup=example
>>>>> Example application is written using Eclipse RAP. On application
>>>>> startup, you should see a table with existing examples in the left
>>>>> pane. Try changing the length of the columns.
>>>>> Double clicking on a example should open it in the right pane editor.
>>>>> Changing a field value in the editor should show instantly in the
>>>>> right left panel (table view). Try emptying the name field in the
>>>>> editor and it should show you a validation decorator. Hovering mouse
>>>>> on decorator should show you the validation message. As soon as you
>>>>> change any field, an asterisk (*) should appear next to the title on
>>>>> editor pane. Trying closing the editor and you should see a dialog box
>>>>> prompting to save before closing. Save the example by clicking on save
>>>>> button on toolbar.
>>>>> 3. Try creating an new example. Save the example and you should see
>>>>> the newly added example in the left pane without browser refresh.
>>>>> Should you need any further help, feel free to ask me. Look forward to
>>>>> your feedback.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Raj

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