That's why I am focusing on improving the help / documentation!

On 26 May 2010 10:49, "BJ Freeman" <> wrote:

ah the crux of the problem.
we have some but it really needs to be fleshed out.
here is a place to start

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Suppl...
chris snow sent the following on 5/26/2010 2:40 AM:

> User manual would be a good basis, if it describes ui processes. Where can
> I find the user manu...

> On 26 May 2010 10:30, "BJ Freeman" <> wrote:
> forgot
> should use User manu...
> Strategic Power Office with Suppli...

> BJ Freeman sent the following on 5/26/2010 2:18 AM:
>> Chris there are many ways to test.
>> I see selenium more as business logic to data test using the ...

>> BJ Freeman
>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <http:/...

>> chris snow sent the following on 5/25/2010 9:12 PM:
>>> Hi BJ - i'd like to start adding selenium t...

>>> we need button pusher and business that need to accomplish a task.
>>> one of the top level testin...

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