I would prefer using Github. But anyway we can use anything.

Github has a Wiki page and an Issue tracker.

When i have some time i'll write down in the (Gihub) Wiki my ideas
about what the plugin should do and how.

On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Adrian Crum
<adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:
> +1
> -Adrian
> On 7/23/2011 8:41 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>> An Eclipse plugin might be something better as a separate project with
>> download links from wiki pages and such.
>> Not everything related to OFBiz needs to go in the OFBiz SVN repo...
>> -David
>> On Jul 23, 2011, at 7:58 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>> sounds interesting, if you think it is use full to people to use, add it
>>> to a jira issue and I will review it...and will commit to the trunk.
>>> Regards, Hans
>>> On Thu, 2011-07-21 at 17:17 +0200, Daniel McAllister wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I'm working on an existing Ofbiz Eclipse plugin that is based on this
>>>> one:
>>>> http://www.itu.dk/~hessellund/smartemf/ofbizexplorer.htm
>>>> I have added some new features:
>>>> -Parsing controller.xml
>>>> -Finding service call/invocation in (reference, usage) in java files.
>>>> Currently it's commented out because it's very slow for the first time
>>>> to parse everything. Im going to add an incremental project builder
>>>> extension to support for incremental parsing.
>>>> Im adding new things to it.
>>>> https://github.com/rasztasd/ofbiz-eclipse-project-explorer
>>> --
>>> Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz
>>> Myself on twitter: http://twitter.com/hansbak
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