I may have missed the code, but as far as I can see
are only used to verify that Quickship can be used.
productstore.reserveInventory is not used to deal with multiplefacilites.

only return
if set to Y
otherwise has no effect.

maybe the code has changed from original intent.

David E Jones sent the following on 7/31/2011 3:41 PM:
> There is some code OOTB to select among multiple Facilities associated with a 
> ProductStore, but in most cases where an organization has multiple facilities 
> it is necessary to customize this. This basically does the inventory 
> reservation across multiple facilities.
> The order itself should NOT be split into multiple ship groups for the 
> different facilities. The ship groups are setup by the customer and represent 
> different sets of items to ship to different addresses or by different 
> carrier services.
> Shipping from different facilities is a matter of picking/packing/shipping 
> based on inventory reservations in each Facility. The result will be multiple 
> Shipments, one per Facility-ShipGroup combination.
> -David
> On Jul 31, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Paul wrote:
>> Hi List, 
>> I have, I think somewhat uncommon order fulfilment situation and looking for
>> tips on how to best address the same. 
>> The scenario includes a primary warehouse to ecommerce store with a set of
>> secondary region specific warehouse. The business rule is to fulfill from
>> primary warehouse in all cases unless it is out of stock. The corner case is
>> even if an order has a partial set of items unavailable in primary
>> warehouse, the remaining should get addressed by primary warehouse. The
>> pending items are then free to be fulfilled by any of the regional stores.
>> Let  me take an example for clarity. 
>> A order has 2 line items namely a) Tiny Gizmo b) Large Widget. Now Tiny
>> Gizmo is available with primary warehouse and therefore should be fulfilled
>> right away. Large widget is out of stock in primary warehouse. However, one
>> of the regional warehouse say in north does have stock and therefore should
>> ship Large widget. No stock transfers between warehouse as it is expensive
>> given the distance and time. 
>> My understanding is that this should be possible by splitting the shipment.
>> Are there other alternatives? 
>> If I do choose the split shipment approach, from the order screen, am able
>> to create another ship group. However, don't see the unfilfilled items in
>> the newly created shipgroup. Clicking on the edit order option also does not
>> provide a way to modify the ship group for the item. Should I go ahead and
>> implement the same, or are there better ways to do this?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Ray
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/Split-Shipping-tp3708149p3708149.html
>> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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