Hey Nick,

I downloaded v0.2

The seeding runs fine but ant run-install-demodata is throwing a hissy due to a 
foreign key relationship. I've attached the log.

The system runs fine with seed only; but the demo data would be nice to have!

Did I miss something?



-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Rosser [mailto:nros...@salmonllc.com] 
Sent: 31 March 2012 14:32
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: OFBiz / BigFish eCommerce Updates


The demos are 3 separate instances. With separate admin modules. Same bigfish 
code base on all instances. We'll add links to the ofbiz backend so it's 

As I noted before the multi-store model is in progress. Multiple ecommerce 
sites, one admin module, one ofbiz backend. Obvious benefits is the ability to 
manage content in one place and reuse across multiple ecomm stores, and be able 
to manage customer and orders in one place. 

We have customers that use the 'extended sites' capability of IBM websphere 
ecommerce to do just this so we understand the model. Most clients use this to 
have more focused additional sites. A big reason this is attractive on the 
enterprise platforms (IBM, ate, hybrid) is that do not incur additional 
licensing costs to add another site. 

We will do the same for our fashion-house demo and create a blouses-direct or 
similar to illustrate this. We are currently working on a client implementation 
that requires this feature for site #2 so it will be done in the next month.  I 
actually don't think its that difficult, ofbiz already supports this, we just 
need to honor the capability throughout the bigfish code. 

Is that clearer?

Best regards,

Nick Rosser

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Mike <mz4whee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm wondering why there appears to be a separate admin UI for each
> ecommerce store.   This is why I thought it was a multi-tenant design.
> Can I log into the real OFBiz back-end and logically see all three 
> ecommerce sites?  It would seem logical that a business would have 
> three separate ecommerce sites, but would maintain orders from the 
> standard back-end OFBiz interface.  Also, if you have a call center 
> that takes orders over the phone it would be desirable to use the 
> built-on Order Manager that handles all three sites.
> How does that work?
> Thanks
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Nick Rosser <nros...@salmonllc.com> wrote:
>> It's a ready-to-go eCommerce software solution that can be used by anyone.
>> A single company could use it for multiple eCommerce sites (we do 
>> have to make sure that we have proper separation by Product-Store but 
>> that will be done in the next 1-2 months).
>> For multi-tenant I assume you mean more of a SaaS based solution. 
>> This is not something that we've thought seriously about and there 
>> are always some questions about what that really means.
>> If you mean a self-service, sign-up and go SaaS solution then it 
>> could just be a matter of having some very clever deployment 
>> mechanisms to control this (under the covers it could still be 
>> separate instances and separate db in a VM architecture).
>> If you mean true multi tenant with a single database (more like the 
>> salesforce.com model) then that's trickier -- segregating client data 
>> so that they can't see other client data, and all the general user 
>> access stuff makes the solution a lot more complex. Not something 
>> we've thought about getting into anytime soon -- Hans Bakker has 
>> expressed some interest in possible getting involved or helping out 
>> with this which would be fine with us.
>> Not sure if that answers your question. Do you have a specific requirement?
>> Best Regards,
>> Nick Rosser
>> nros...@salmonllc.com
>> O: 516.742.7888 x221
>> C: 516.901.1720
>> On 3/29/2012 1:51 PM, Mike wrote:
>>> Hey Nick.  I just checked out (again) your BigFish project:
>>> http://bigfish.salmonllc.com/**bfFeatures.html<http://bigfish.salmon
>>> llc.com/bfFeatures.html>
>>> Very impressive.
>>> I was wondering what is the intended target of this project.  Is it 
>>> for a SINGLE company that intends on deploying multiple websites 
>>> using different themes and product categories, all while maintaining a 
>>> SINGLE database?
>>> Or
>>> is it intended to me a multi-tenant model.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Nick Rosser<nros...@salmonllc.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> OFBiz users,
>>>> Over the last 2 months we've made many changes to our OFBiz/BigFish 
>>>> platform. The latest is available at http://bigfish.salmonllc.com.
>>>> In particular, click on "Demo" and check out the Fashion-House and 
>>>> Electronic-Store demos (both the eComm implementation and the Admin 
>>>> Module).
>>>> Highlights:
>>>> * many enhancements, bug fixes
>>>> * A "content library"
>>>>    o a container for generic content that can be re-used within any
>>>>      other content
>>>> * Multi Currency
>>>>    o The Electronic Store demo is focused on the India market (Rupees)
>>>>    o eComm and Admin module will honor the setting
>>>> * Guest Checkout
>>>>    o set a parameter and guest checkout is enabled
>>>> * pick-up-in-store
>>>>    o ties the check-out process to the store-locator
>>>>    o configure to also take payment or collect monies later
>>>>    o dashboard in Admin module changed to separate online orders with
>>>>      pick-in-store orde
>>>> * PLP (Product Listing Page) content spots
>>>>    o allow for a content spot at the top of the page; bottom of the
>>>>      page; in the facet panel (top or bottom)
>>>>    o by category
>>>> We are finishing up some interesting enhancements that will be 
>>>> available within the next 1-2 weeks, specifically:
>>>> * "variant" processing, example:
>>>>    o fashion house demo
>>>>    o click on apparel / blouses
>>>>    o see color "swatches", click on it and you see the appropriate image
>>>>    o click on "beige-tan" on the facets and the beige-tan variant
>>>>      image is displayed
>>>>    o same for PDP (Product Detail Page)
>>>> * Home Page "carousel"
>>>>    o user managed content that can be displayed in a flexible
>>>>      rotating "carousel"
>>>>    o the implementation is designed as such that any content can use
>>>>      the carousel display
>>>> * Mega Menus
>>>>    o the ability to override the standard BF drop-down from the main
>>>>      navigation bar
>>>>    o and have a "mega menu" display
>>>>    o Fashion-House demo will illustrate this shortly
>>>> As always, feedback always welcome. Thanks.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Nick Rosser
>>>> nros...@salmonllc.com
>>>> O: 516.742.7888 x221
>>>> C: 516.901.1720

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